I absolutely despise all the Liberty Mutual commercials. I used them as my insurance for the longest time and between them over charging me and their commercials, I changed companies. So what’s yours?

  1. Everything is so conglomerated and co owned and sub companied, I don’t really think it’s possible to totally avoid any one company completely

  2. I’m gonna have to second OP on Liberty Mutual. I’ve never used them, and I never will, solely because of their commercials.

  3. Capital One. I’ve seen the same 3 commercials on repeat for it feels like years on whatever streaming service they’re on. Maybe Paramount or Peacock? Those are pretty much the only commercials I ever see. If I need to ignore a commercial at least give me some variety of brands/companies.

  4. Dr Squatch, I’m absolutely sick of the YouTube ads where some guy goes on about how manly it is to buy this soap, I’ve been annoyed skipping their ads so much that I’ll never buy their shit

  5. That smelly lady talking half an inch from the camera telling me that her brand of deodorant will work on every crack you might imagine.

  6. Wing stop. State Farm. Verizon. Any commercial that infantilizes men or makes dads look like morons.

  7. This is just my own one-guy-punching-clouds situation but I actually have a rule for myself: I am not allowed to give money to anyone who advertises to me. It’s totally just a crusade against advertisement culture which has zero impact on anyone’s bottom line. But the rule makes me feel like i’m not being manipulated by advertisement and also saves me from spending a lot of money on shit I don’t need.

  8. anything I see a commercial for. anyone got a good replacement for dawn or know how to make dish soap that works as good?

  9. None. I think constant low grade boycotts over minor annoyances are dumb and not worth my time. I care more about quality and value.

  10. Any product that uses the “dumb dad/man” trope.

    If you wouldn’t use it with a woman to sell your products because it’s an offensive concept, you shouldn’t be using it with a man either. Equality, people.

  11. Each Sunday I get more and more enraged by Draft Kings and their constant commercials with Jamie Foxx and other celebrities. I don’t gamble, but if I ever did it would absolutely never be with them.

  12. My kid was hit by a Liberty Mutual customer several years ago. The other driver (95 y/o) was ticketed and found a fault. Liberty wouldn’t return our calls or emails about the claim.

    We had to threaten legal action against them, and magically they okayed immediate payment for all costs.

  13. My Pillow

    I have family that has a certain channel on every time I visit. The channel is annoying as it is, but hey it’s their house. The dude yelling in this damn commercial that plays almost nonstop just pisses me off. But that’s not all! There’s another commercial from the same company about fucking slippers.

  14. Anything that uses the “manly” trope. Bro I don’t want my soap to smell like engine grease & cigars. I already know I’m a man. I don’t need products to tell me how to be one.

  15. Any of those manscape commercials or any commercial where you’re trying to belittle someone for not shaving their cock and balls.

    A. It’s none of your business whether I shave down there. Imagine a commercial where a dude is trying to tell a chick to shave her vag.

    B. The commercials are annoying. And literally every other YouTuber talks about them in their videos

  16. mucinex. I think everyone gets the point, they explain what it does in the commercial. why the hell do they need a booger for a mascot.

  17. Geico, their infamous slogan of 15 minutes can save you 15% or more on car insurance but when I got a quote from them they wanted nearly $80 more a month than AAA was charging me lmao

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