Has this happened to any of you? You’re at the cashier counter in a store, and someone puts their stuff on the counter before you’re finished paying.

This doesn’t happen often, but it’s still happened enough times where I’m starting to feel like I’m doing something wrong. Usually it will be a female who does this, but some men have done it as well. These people will literally get in the way and put their items down like they own the place without saying a word.

I don’t want to start a scene. But I don’t know how to approach this either. I would be okay if they asked me, “hey do you mind if I put my stuff down?” That’d be fine with me. But what they are doing is rude and disrespectful.

Do I just continue ignoring them? Or do I acknowledge them and tell them to take their stuff back which could lead to me causing a scene at the store?

  1. It’s certainly not you. I often use the self service checkouts in the stores that have them and I remember very vividly the day that I was doing that and I felt something behind me.

    I turned around to see a woman standing *very* close to me with a carton of milk in her hand and she actually said “Can you scan this for me ?”. I said “NO!” and she just walked away back in to the store. I didn’t shout but I was loud enough to make my point.

    It’s frustrating, sure, but it’s also something that’s not worth causing a scene over as well. If you find yourself in that situation again, the best thing you can do is slow right down. Take as long as humanly possible with your stuff and then take as long as possible paying for it.

    The satisfaction of inconveniencing the rude person behind you far outweighs anything you’d feel if you started an argument with them.

  2. When it happens to me, I leave it alone and I would advise you to do so too. Maybe their hands are tired or they have an arm injury–I don’t know their life. Maybe their arms work great but they are inconsiderate about other people’s personal space. Maybe they don’t see it as being inconsiderate and wouldn’t mind it if were done to them, which is why they don’t see it as a big deal. Whatever their reason for doing it is, I don’t think you’re going to accomplish much by trying to make them pick their groceries or items back up except create conflict. These situations usually only last a few minutes at most anyways. I know it’s momentarily annoying but if you just continue to ignore them I think it will work out better for you in the long run.

    In addition, these should be rare occasions. If this is happening to you like 5+ times a year, I would change the stores I went to.

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