Me and my boyfriend (both of us are 19, AFABs) are eachothers’ first sexual partners. We’ve been together for 1 1/2 years.

Whenever I go go down on him, or play with him with my face up close… lightest I can say about his smell is that I dislike it. It makes my nose scrunch.

My own doesn’t smell the same, as obviously we’re two different people. Mine at most smells like sea water, I suppose? or that’s what he tells me.

I don’t know what to do about my dislike of his scent, I know that a fermented kind of smell is normal, but I’ve never been around anyone else to know what the average ‘scent’ of someone is supposed to be like.

Should I bring it up to him? Or is this a skill issue on my part? I’m very hesitant because even when we started dating he has been extremely insecure about how his genital smells. I’m not sure of a nice way to do it either. So far in the relationship I’ve just told him that I assume it smells normal.

Also, yes he is aware of what he smells like, he says that at times he can smell himself through his pants.

(Sorry if I’m missing important details or if this is formatted strangely. This is my first reddit post.)

  1. basic hygiene is very important in sexual relationships to avoid infections or uti’s. Sit him down and talk about hygiene and how he washes his genitalis and butthole (maybe that’s were the stench comes from) Tell him you won’t engage in any sexual activity w him if he doesn’t wash himself properly. This sounds harsh i know but say it’s bcs of infections and uti’s (which is also is) good luck 🙂

  2. So, if you’re sure he Is actually taking care of his Hygiene, Is your Boyfriend on Testosterone perchance?
    Hormones have a huge Impact on Body Odor!

    I’ve been told going from Testosterone to Estrogen made me smell a lot better down There. I’ve certainly noticed a Difference in what my own sweat smells like.
    Now that I smell different I can barely stand the smell of my cis-male Friends anymore.

  3. What is he eating? That can be part of it. Try to move him towards fresh produce and fruit. At a minimum, give him a big bowl of fruit a few hours beforehand and see what happens. Overall, the basic hygiene is a big deal, including trimming and washing with friction. Everyone has their own scent, but a few tweaks can be made to help change it.

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