So basically, it’s just the title. This isn’t for the reasons you probably think. My girlfriend and I are currently not having sex. We love dry humping though, but she is only comfortable with it if I wear a condom under my clothes which I totally get and honestly I prefer it that way too.


Issue is that last time I used a latex condom it felt horrible and made it hurt down there so I may be allergic. Another issue is I have OCD and getting the lube that comes on condoms everywhere is a bit of a freakout for me. We used a Skyn non-latex condom and it went great we had a great time everything was awesome but when I got home I had to take 3 showers and wash down there for hours to satisfy my OCD issues. The thought of also touching the condom and then touching her body and then later on licking that area also gives me problems as I feel like I am ingesting the condom lube and that’s a no-no for my OCD. I also had to throw out all the clothes I was wearing while we did it because the lube got everywhere and I felt like it was contaminated and that I would never get the lube out of the clothes.

So with all that…

**A non-latex non-lubricated condom would fix everything, but I can’t find them anywhere online or in person. Not sure if they are even a thing?**

**The second best option would be a non-latex condom that is lubricated with an oral-safe lube since the accidental ingesting portion is the part that gets my OCD wild.**

**The other part would be something that can be washed out of clothes easily because while dry humping I do keep at least my underwear on and so the lube will get all over it.**


***If anyone has any suggestions or guidance they could share we would appreciate it <3***

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