I notice this with a friend where they text me and I text back with a response but then they don’t respond for a while and its a completely different topic of conversation and then repeat. This isn’t all the time but its enough to the point where I am growing incredibly frustrated. I know text/DM is not an immediate form of communication but still. How do I approach this?

  1. What do you mean? Do you think there’s a way to make someone respond to your comment? There’s not. Any time you have to complain about how someone interacts with you, the odds are good that they’re not going to feel like interacting with you is worth it.

    There are people I know who, over text, write stuff and I have no idea what to say to it. Simple as that. Sometimes I just don’t actually have a thought on what they said, or I might but don’t think it’s a good idea to say it. So, I don’t say anything or have to think of something to say, which might take some time.

    You guys just don’t sound like you click conversationally, or at least not over text.

  2. In this situation, it helps to be open and honest about how you feel. “When you text me back hours or days later while we’re in the middle of a conversation and change up the topic, I feel frustrated because xyz.” Of course, they have no obligation to respond to you in a timely manner or even at all, but talking about it can help get things off your chest and also give you insight as to how they feel when texting you back

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