I’ll make this quick. So just to clarify I am a high school student so I’m pretty used to petty behaviors with my fellow classmates but how my friend is acting… is something I’ve never seen before! It all started about four days ago, everything was great and awesome and we were laughing together in class then I started talking to my other friends and that’s the last time we talked. Fast forward to the next day and all of a sudden they’re ignoring me and when I ask why they’re mad at me and if they can forgive me they say… “No, and I guess you’ll never know.” I’m super confused because I didn’t do anything to make them even remotely mad! Please help! 🙏🏽

  1. * Something from a long time ago
    * Something they expected you to do (birthday?)
    * Someone was jealous of you getting along and made up shit

  2. Well, if they’re mad at you then it’s not for no reason. However, if they don’t want to communicate what’s wrong then it’s not your problem and you don’t want a friend like them anyway.

  3. Here in Brazil we have a saying: “A frowning face means hunger.” Meaning: are you hungry? Here’s some food. Otherwise, I don’t care.

    If your friend is being cross at you and doesn’t want to talk about it, then you’re better off ignoring them and paying attention to those people in your life that are actually worth your while.

  4. What happened right after you talked to them? Maybe you talked to someone’s crush, or laugh about someone making fun of them? Disagree with something they said.
    It’s more likely that you forgot something important, maybe you promised something?

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