Fellow Americans: if you don’t work from home, how long is your daily commute? Do you face major traffic daily?

  1. It’s about one hour each direction, but I take a bus. If I didn’t take a bus it would still be probably about an hour in the morning and 45 minutes in the afternoon. However, the stress of dealing with Houston traffic kind of makes me less useful at work, and since the company pays for public transportation I just get on the bus and relax.

  2. I work from home most days but when I go into the office it’s about 30 minutes, 40 if I leave from dropping my kid off at school.

    This is in DC, so yes, I face major traffic daily.

  3. An hour in the morning, hour and a half in the afternoon. I drive around 50 miles each way.

    I also leave very early in the morning to avoid Atlanta traffic and usually around 4 to avoid the worst of the rush hour traffic. I have the option to work from home more days than I currently do of course, but I like being in 4 days a week.

  4. When I go to the office it’s about a 45 min each way.

    Not major traffic no. There are a couple of slowdowns at major highway intersections but it doesn’t stop or anything. A slowdown from the “anything below 80 and you’re a traffic hazard” stretches leaves a lot of room.

    That said I’m not driving on the worst bits of traffic in the area. 35E and 30 is a nightmare all day every day.

  5. 20 miles, can take anywhere from 25-60 minutes depending on how insane central NJ drivers and our PA compatriots have decided to be on a given day.

  6. 20-25 minutes on the way in, 30-35 on the way home. Not really any major traffic, just a few extra red lights in the afternoon

  7. I have to drop my daughter off at school first which takes about 20 minutes and then my drive to work after that is about 30 minutes.

    Coming home from work I don’t have to pick her up so I go straight home but traffic is a little worse and it takes me about 35-40 minutes.

    The freeways are bad traffic wise so I mostly take side streets to avoid the most congested freeway sections.

  8. About 15-20 minutes each way. I take the subway, so no traffic delays. Occasionally there will be a train delay, but that’s surprisingly uncommon, and there’s another line I can take if it’s really bad.

  9. Just shy of 25 minutes. Bad traffic for me would be having to stop for a school bus or maybe if there are chickens in the road from one of the farms I pass

  10. 25-30 minutes door to desk ( ~8 minutes of that is walking from my car to my desk). Traffic isn’t usually bad. On days when it is it might add 5-10 minutes. It could be worse with weather, but I’d just work from home those days.

  11. I go to the office twice a week. It’s 15ish miles depending on the route I take. It’s 30-45 minutes each way – I take surface roads because there’s a lot of road construction and it adds a lot of time to the drive. The traffic is nothing compared to what I dealt with when I lived in the Chicago area. If I drove to the office, which was 21 miles from my house and all highway driving, I’d have to leave around 5am to get there in about 45 minutes. If I left the office after 2pm I was guaranteed a minimum of 90 minutes home, but it was usually closer to 2 hours. On Fridays it was even longer.

  12. About 15 minutes. Almost always light traffic, unless I get bad timing when they are doing some construction.

    I used to work a job where a typical commute was about an hour each way. It was on the clock, because the office was just down the road and I was driving to a work site, but I was spending a *lot* of time on the road. It’s a part of the reason that’s a former job.

  13. I’m only 2 miles from my work, only reason I drive and not bike/walk is that it’s in the industrial sector of town so there’s a lot of very big truck’s going in and out of the roads in the area constantly. About 10-15 from my door to my desk.

  14. 6 minutes if I drive, 20 if I walk.

    I have to drive sometimes because if I need to drive elsewhere during the workday. I also go home at lunch to let my dog out, so sometimes I drive in the morning and walk in the afternoon so I’m not spending 40 minutes of my lunch break walking.

    I bike sometimes too but it’s straight uphill to my workplace and often I have to walk my bike halfway lol. I’m still riding my 15 year old fixed gear bike from my days of being a cool kid so I can’t change gears to make it up the hill.

  15. 35-40 minutes usually. Traffic in the fall and spring, but it’s grain trucks, combines, pickups pulling grain wagons or anhydrous tanks, tractors, etc. It’s a 2-lane highway, but there are long stretches where you can’t pass easily, even if it’s a tractor going 19mph.

  16. About 20 minutes walking. Occasionally there are people walking the other direction, but I wouldn’t call it traffic.

  17. I go into the office 3 days a week. It’s about 10-12 minutes depending on traffic as I live about 3.5 miles from downtown.

  18. Mine is 25 minutes. Traffic can make it 35, but luckily it’s mostly highway so there’s only a few traffic lights.

  19. i stopped going to the office well before the pandemic *because* of traffic. i got sick of it and had a conversation with my boss. we’re global so people’ll be emailing me for stuff at like 4am my time. i made the obvious argument; i’d get back to them quicker if i wasn’t stuck in traffic every morning and barely making it in by 9am (half+ some of my colleagues day wasted if they were waiting on me).

    …and nobody questioned it. 🤷‍♂️

  20. It’s about 30 minutes if I leave at 6am. If I leave much later than that, the time easily doubles with traffic. I have to cross a lake to get to the highway and that one road backs up badly at the highway entrance. During rush hour, you can get stuck there for many, many light cycles as only a few cars make it through on each green light.

  21. I go into the office twice a week, & I can arrive & leave pretty much when I want to, so I skip the morning rush, & it takes me about 30 minutes to go 17 miles. I’m usually still in the afternoon rush, though, so it takes about an hour to get home. I’ll often get rerouted a longer way in miles (& it even crosses me into another state), but I can usually save about 10-15 minutes if I take that route home. I like that it’s constant driving at least versus that annoying stop & go traffic, but it does make a difference on my mileage.

  22. ~30 minutes in the morning, 30 in the afternoon. Traffic isn’t too bad unless they are doing road work.

  23. This year its 1 hour each way if I stay at camp, 2 hours each way if I’m coming from my actual house, all rural/highway no real traffic. I’m in the construction industry so the project isn’t in the same place every season.

  24. 15 minutes on the same road, and no traffic. And that’s my maximum tolerance – I’m always in awe of people who make 45+ minute commute in daily traffic. I would have an aneurysm.

  25. 25-30 minutes in the morning, 35-50 minutes in the afternoon. Traffic is much worse coming back than going.

  26. 20minutes one way along a country road with the view of mountains the entire way. Very little traffic

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