What’s the largest way social media has affected you?

  1. It’s created a permanent history of my thoughts and feelings on virtually any subject. If my kids ever want to know what dad thought after I’m gone they can just click on my user name on Reddit and they will see tens of thousands of posts and comments on just about any subject you can imagine.

    I love that. I wish I had that from my dad but when he died he had about 300 unread texts in his phone.

  2. It’s made it easier to stay connected with old coworkers and business contacts, which has helped land me several jobs and advance my career.

  3. It’s wasted a lot of my time on thoughts I already had, and didn’t really need to re-engage with, and yet, I still do because the ego is strong, and boredom is plenty.

  4. Made every opinion and joke seem really banal since I’ve seen all that shit on the internet 2,129,373,435 times.

  5. It’s caused me to be a bit too concerned with others. If I see someone buying a home I feel like shit. I’m not there yet.

    If I see someone getting married I feel like shit.

    When I see lots of joy I feel worse.

    Before I had any social media I felt far more content and focused on myself.

  6. I felt like I was in a good place in my life. I was hung up on a college girlfriend for a long time. While I still love her I just assumed I’d never hear from her again. So I tried my best just to not think about her too much. Then after 10 years she started liking my photos randomly. A few months later she messaged me. Said she hoped I was doing well and that she found some of my old clothes if I wanted them back. I was a nervous wreck and was overthinking my response for like an hour. Eventually I just politely said no thank you.

    I didn’t know if she was just being nice or wanted an excuse to see me. Still find myself worrying about my response. Because I wish I could have actually had a conversation with her again. Now we see each other in public and she avoids me. She ignored everything I do on social media after that and I ended up deleting my Facebook app all together because of it. Still followed her on Instagram to feel out the situation and never got a follow back. It sucks but I hate that one person’s social media presence has dictated my feelings and caused me a lot of stress/heartbreak. In the end it’s not her fault and wish I knew why she started paying attention to me randomly, just to completely ignore me shortly afterwards. Most of all I just wish she was back in my life in some capacity. But one positive is I see her pictures and she looks really happy now.

  7. I noticed it the most when Myspace first came out. Group events went from, “I want to go to the movies, I’m going to call everyone I know and personally invite them” to “I’ll post on Myspace that I’m going to the movies, and if you don’t read my post it’s not my fault you didn’t know.”

    It was like everyone became a narcissist overnight.

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