During the past 2.5 years I (43M) have had troubles finishing during sex…

Withing these past 2.5 years, I’ve had a relatively healthy sex life with multiple partners (not at the same time) but I struggle to cum every time I have sex… my current sex partner (36F) of 5 months constantly worries that she is the problem, which she’s definitely not and blames herself all the time… we have a great sex life, 4-5 days a week, sometimes up to 3 times a day for as long as 60-90 minutes but I just can’t cum (I have finished only once because of sex and other 3 or 4 me finishing by hand on her).
This has also happened in previous relationships, and they never complained about the quantity nor quality of sex, just that I rarely finished… and they have all been concerned that it’s them…

Anyone going through the same or perhaps already overcame this problem?

  1. It started happening to my in my late 20s. Decades later, I still usually have delayed orgasm. There are two types: where I ascend but lose focus as I’m getting close; versus not being able to ascend.

    It’s best if you and partners redefine expectations. Since you usually won’t come, don’t spend more than a mutually agreeable amount of time trying for your orgasm. Say, 30 minutes. Whatever. Spell it out for her that it’s a blessing for you that a woman with her physical appeal gets naked for you and wants to get you off, even, if you don’t get off. That you want to repeat.

  2. I always wondered the same thing. I know going longer periods of time between sex usually helps. Whenever I go for more frequent sex the same thing happens to me ever since my 20s and now I’m 50 so I’ve learned to live with it. Also any type of antidepressant can cause delayed ejaculation.

  3. Stop masturbating. As a woman, I can understand why this messes with her head and how she perceives your sex life.

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