Tl;dr reconnected with ex after her relapse, getting feelings again just not sure if I’m being used or if I should stay or go or if there’s any future.

Hey I’m struggling with my emotions. Me and my ex dated for 4 months, she’s a recovering addict and relapsed (crack) right before we broke up. (She ghosted me for two weeks wile getting high again)our relationship had a lot of lies on her end that came out at the end. We both agreed she needs to focus on her recovery now and getting her child back rather then focusing on a relationship.

Three months go by and we reconnected again, she’s been clean and living in a recovery house but lost everything from custody of her kid to her car and job. I’ve started helping her by getting her food and giving her rides to and from seeing her daughter on visitation days. She’s been going to meetings and focusing on herself and recovery.

I don’t want to come off selfish in any way, shape or form. I just feel like I’m being used in a way. Even though we both agree on not being in a relationship I’m getting feelings again for her. I feel like she’s keeping me around for the rides to where she needs to go and for the help I’m giving. Again I want to help her I just feel like we only talk when she needs something. When we hang out her phones glued to her hand and she’s constantly texting other people the entire time but when I’m not with her my tex y unanswered for hours and it’s always a sorry I W. busy. She kisses me when we part ways and tells me she loves me.

I don’t know if I should keep helping with the amount of emotional stress it’s causing me and I feel like l’m abandoning her. Or if I’m being used or am I just being a good friend and she’s doing all she can with the current state she’s in. I do love her a lot I just don’t known if there’s actually a future with her. Thanks for your advise it means more then you know right now!

  1. no bro date the recovering crack addict king you’re doing the right thing don’t stop doing what you’re doing sweetie! You Got This!!!

  2. Are you in the friend zone?

    You need to focus on your well-being. You don’t want to abandon your emotional well-being in the process of her hectic life right now. She very well may be using you and if you feel that way you are probably right. Kudos to your for being kind and caring. It would be easier if your feelings are simply platonic. Done a ton of volunteer work over the years. Early on I was so foolish and would believe everything addicts would tell me. I learned fast that an addict will lie about anything. Made sure they didn’t spend Thanksgiving or Christmas’s alone. A lot of successes for real. It’s a touch decision for you to make. Good Luck…

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