More or less just the title, I have severe social anxiety that makes trying to meet new people literally impossible. Everyone I know says I’m pretty and somehow because of that I should be surrounded by people who want to talk to me, but it’s never been like that. I just want to live in some other girl’s head for a day to see how they interact with people, maybe then I’d actually learn how to function in society.

  1. Well, might better if you put in balance between conforming with society but also stand up on your own ground with your likings, interests, principals, etc. I finally found that answer when I talked to a group of people for like 40 days and I realize being outcast is not bad at all, if I just stop conforming with people’s expectation, cause people wanted something different and there’s no way you can make them all happy.

    But you can make balance with conforming their standards to some extent in the areas you can control or able to handle. You might be more acceptable outcast.

    IMO, being outcast is never a bad thing

  2. My gym is full of girls who want to be talked to. You have a head full of cognitive distortions. That means untrue statements and beliefs about yrself. You could challenge them but you prefer to hang on to them cuz, to challenge them is work and scary. It’s the defective habits of thinking you have to get rid of. There is no good reason for you to feel inferior. As evidence you want to hang on to your irrational thinking is that you call your insecurity as if it’s a physical object inside of your body. Yes it is a physical thing and I can’t get rid of it. You will go to the grave with the belief you are an insecure person-and it’s true-as long as you go along with it.

    You probably see other girls as perfect-never making a social mistake. Another irrational thought. The key is to adopt the right attitude twds others. That means being devoid of hate and envy and putting consideration, kindness and understanding in it’s place. Go about your day working on your goals but not obsessed with what you think others are thinking of you.

    Stop being a Facebook freak if that’s what you are and work on your own life. Then you say things like “it would be cool to play piano or paint pictures but I have no talent and so I won’t even try. and as proof because I’m not perfect on my first attempts I won’t even try.”

  3. Chanel you inner Serena van de Woodsen (minus the daddy issues, and not existing when she doesn’t have a bf).

  4. I think you might be exuding the ice queen look about you if no ones tried to be your friend being proclaimed pretty maybe everyone else is pedestaling you and your lack of seeking others friendship is solidifying it in my experience the best relationships come when you stop searching looking for the perfect friend is impossible and taking just anyone leaves you open to abuse let it occur naturally people flock to those who appear confident and or happy with who they are if you truly need a friend you can try asking for that online here and now plenty of people willing I have no doubt ^_^ wanna be friends? Also have a lovely day I’m sure if you popped that bubble you will find plenty of friends!

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