Are we talking a longer hug, a tight squeeze, pat on the back…. what are your preferences?

I feel like some of my male friends are kind of distant with hugs while others actually give a full on hug.

  1. I love hugs, the bigger the better. But there is connotations to be aware of and I’ve been “misdirected” before

  2. Any and all hugs are welcome. I have some who do the leaning hug, and I have some who do a tight squeeze.

  3. A lot of guys default reserved because they don’t want to cross any boundaries accidentally, have personal boundaries on female contact or because they’re not used to casual physical contact outside a relationship or maybe family.

    Since its all wrapped up in that baggage/evaluation as much if not more than preferende it’s hard to develop a hard an fast rule.

    Honestly just go for whatever style you like and if they shift for the side hug or whatever roll with it and log it for later. Asking permission to hug at all the first time is also a good policy. People are really individual about their physical contact tolerance.

  4. Hug me like you mean it. Dont give me this limp ass side hug, get that shit out of here. If you’re gonna do that give me a fist bump & be done with it.

  5. I *LOVE* hugs. I’m a hugger. But also, don’t want to be *that guy*, so I generally let them lead and I’ll reciprocate whatever they do.

  6. If I’m hugging a female friend, it’s usually one armed, keeping the majority of your body from touching.

  7. It’s a bit of an etiquette goldmine and you have to be sure, but a full hug with tits pressed against, then look up and hand on my chest (as another reply has suggested) is top hugging

  8. I’ll take any hug. Give me the choice and I’ll happily stay there all day. I love hugs, me. But my preference is for full-on hugs. Those are the ones I give out, those are the ones I want. No point in half-assing it unless they’re carrying something and a side hug is all they can muster.

    But, if I’m being hugged by a female friend who’s not single, then a tight, full-on hug for a couple of seconds so as not to overstep any boundaries.

  9. not at all thanks. i want to have an emotional connection with a girl, and then she hugs me as deeply as she can. arms over my shoulders. That’s what i miss.

  10. I give some girls that limp ass hug. Some I give a fist bump after I hugged her friend. And my best girl buddies I give full hugs where I sometimes run to them and they come into my arms and I pick them up and shit. Depends on your friendship with the girl you’re hugging.

    Same with my male friends. I love hugging.

  11. Mine tend to be side hugs with anyone.
    Just not a big hugger overall, but if someone initiates a hug in any other way, that’s usually okay.

  12. I’d prefer not to be hugged be female friends. I can perform them without making it weird, but it’s something I prefer to share with somebody I’m closer than close with. There’s always melancholy and tension in the body which I then have to wait for a length of time to recover from. I can hide it as if nothing was wrong, but I don’t enjoy the process. I’ve found a handshake to be acceptable. Women usually view that as a novelty. Sometimes as well women want to squeeze me in the biceps. I have no issue with that either.

  13. I want to be asked. If I say yes then I don’t mind the how as long as it doesn’t hurt. I don’t want to be crushed.

  14. My entire friendship group is very gender-mixed and very huggy – in fact, that goes for multiple friendship groups I’ve been in. We have generally either just allowed the ambiguity of the uncommented-upon boob squishes or angled the chests to really lean into the collarbones, and we’ve mostly gotten by on just judging the situation appropriately and by *not being weird about it*.

  15. Depends on how close the friendship is. If it’s a colleague I speak with once a week, don’t touch me. If it’s a friend I’ve known for months and we speak closely, a hug sure (standard 2 Mississippi max). If it’s a close friend (no matter how long we’ve known each other), bring it in! I’ll happily give good proper full hugs to you at any time.

  16. If you’re both single, stomach to stomach. If someone is in a relationship, you do the lean and shoulder tap.

  17. I’m from the south. We always have embracing, I’m two beers in, types of hugs. If someone doesn’t like that, it’s pretty easy to tell, they’ll extend their hand out, or turn sideways a little bit. 80% of the people out there like hugs.

  18. always long squeezy hugs, no matter who is hugging me. Good chance its the only hug i’ll get all month

  19. I do not like hugs from females aside from the women in my family and my fiancé. I find it more intimate than what I am comfortable with.

  20. I full on hug unless I know I will get hard if I do. So if I avoid full frontal hugs I am secretly into you. Most other guys I know consciously or subconsciously follow suit.

    If I suddenly full hug you and do get hard, I think there’s a shot and am testing the waters.

    Good luck!

  21. Depends on the relationship. If is someone I’ve known for years best believe a bear hugs coming.

  22. Remember here that our answers might not be any help in any given situation you find yourself, everyone is different.

    That being said, I’m a hugger. I fucking love a good hug. Male, female, makes no mind to me. As long as I already know you, you’re getting a full bodied chest to chest hug for at least a few seconds. I find nothing sexual about a hug, it’s just comforting. A warm embrace to show the care I put into my friendships.

  23. Ok GUYS. This is what I’m gathering:

    1) first, I give virtual hugs to all willing to accept 🫂

    2) I learned the preference for hugs goes from “don’t touch me” to “keep my soul in your chest”, so with that, always asking is important.

    Also things to consider
    – length of relationship to hug receiver (hug-ee?)
    – if hug receiver is in a relationship
    – many of you will reciprocate whatever hug you get, there are few who don’t want to initiate for fear of being a creep (very understandable)

  24. Hug me however you like – just be aware that I don’t get hugged very often at all and so may be a bit shocked and unsure of how to act or respond.

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