He was having an affair when I started dating him and I didn’t know it. When I asked, he said it was over. But it wasn’t . he has maintained both relationships.. When both the girl and I asked him, he rejected the girl and chose me. That girl had made a lot of sacrifices for him. I have not done so. But he chose me. There is no love in me that cannot be given up. But his company is helpfully for me to get through the day. And I like his vibe. Like traveling getting drinks. and his knowledge about business. I couldn’t forget about the scenes with him and her. I got jealous about him and about her. I need a advice for how to calm my mind. How to back to normal my life. I can’t control my self about thinking about him. I suspect him always. It’s irritate my mind. I need advice how to calm my mind and how to heal.

  1. Girllllllllllll.

    You saw a gun shot someone and said “yoooo lemme date that sexy gun cause it didn’t shoot me.”

    You knew this could happen.

    Go find some nice albums, drink some tea, go for a walk, and ease the mind. It’ll be ok but you need to make better choices of men.


  2. Liars lie. Cheaters cheat. That’s their nature. People do change, but very rarely. Decide accordingly.

  3. Opposite of love isn’t hate… it is indifference. It sounds like whatever he did still annoys you because you still have certain residual feelings for him? Some people are just build differently… the loyal ones are loyal in their core and the cheaters cheat. You obviously know what type he is right now and know that he is toxic for you but you haven’t gotten to the point of feeling indifferent about his presence. But you enjoy the perks of his presence so you’re not will to remove yourself from that. Your suspicion of his unfaithful only bothers you because some parts of you still feel that he ought to belong to you. It’s flattering to be chosen over someone else, I get it. But if you said that there’s no love for him in you that can be given up, why do you feel that he ought to belong to you? If you’re indifferent that he belongs to you or not, his cheating on XYZ girlfriends has nothing to do with you, so why be bothered? Things are typically in 2 categories 1) things within your control and 2) things beyond your control. If it’s in category 1, you’ve done all you can to control it, so no need to worry. If it’s in category 2, no matter what you do, it’s outside of your control so you shouldn’t worry.

  4. Woman likes man when other woman also likes them. Some woman find it exciting and challenging to get selected among other competitors. It’s a trait of most of the woman. You are one of them. It was inevitable.

    Usually healthy less trouble minded woman stay out of these non sense. They never waste time and later complain on unavailable man.

  5. If you knew about it it wouldn’t be cheating. You cannot undo what’s been done. The same with your mind whether you accept it or not it can’t be erased. He chose you and you need him for some other reasons than just love. Figuring out if what you really want from him and what he wants from you matches both of you, can restart your chariot moving again.

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