My husband said he is disgusted to kiss me becsuse yesterday I gave him a BJ with finale in my mouth for the 1st time.

10 years marriage, on a rocky road for the past few months and sex was basically non existent, up to 5 times per month, as we argued much.

Yesterday I asked him to take a shower, I dressed up nicely and when he showed up I asked if he’s up for something new. He hesitantly said yes, and I said we cant have sex (due to health reasons) but can I have him in my mouth till the end. He said yes and I could see he enjoyed it. During the last couple of seconds he hesitated again but I was so focused on what I’m doing I said ‘please let me’ and he did.
Then I just got off by myself on his eyes cuz I just seen he was so not into this that I couldn’t bring myself to ask him to do it for me even though it crossed my mind for a sec.
I was also embarrased of my state as I have frequent infection I am battling with and he could see it. He knew I had it but I didnt want it to be so obvious.

I already spoke to him numerous times it’s a fantasy of mine , I mean the BJ finale. Now he said what he said.
He always liked my mouth and he was getting very horny when I gagged on his cock.

Wondering if it will pass. Is it maybe the fact that he wasn’t prepared…and I pushed too much? He also said he misses me so much after all those fights that ‘that’ kind of closeness wasn’t doing it for him…

Thanks for all honest opinions.

  1. How much time from when he came in your mouth until you tired to kiss him?

    Also, saying he is disgusted is not kind at all. I don’t want to taste my cum or anything like that but I will kiss my wife on the lips after she does it.

  2. It’s a really common hangup among guys, hypocritical though it is. I wouldn’t bet on him reacting differently in the future.

  3. It’s not uncommon for men not to want to instantly kiss a woman with his cum in her mouth. Some women are the same way when it comes to them being eaten out.

    Different strokes for different folks. This doesn’t have to become a major issue.

    If someone is uncomfortable or doesn’t want to do anything they shouldn’t have to.

    On the other hand, if you decide it’s a “deal breaker” than you do what is right for you.

    Best wishes!

  4. I think he’s selfish. I understand that some men get creeped out with kissing after a blowjob. Maybe they just get grossed out or they think it’s gay or something. Personally, I’m as straight as any man can be. And they way I approached it was if she is going to swallow my cum, what’s the big deal about kissing her? It’s my cum, not anyone else’s. When I first started doing this I found out that woman in general loved it. It not only turned them on but it made them feel good and made them horny. And guess what? It wasn’t bad or bad tasting or gross. If he refuses he’s missing out because I’ll bet it would make you hot.

  5. Some guys hate it. Some girls hate their version. The easiest way is to just get over yourself but I guess not everyone finds it that easy. Anyone who did oral more than once in a day without a shower has tasted their own juices. T’ain’t no big thing.

  6. I’ve understood if a guy doesn’t want to kiss me after a blowjob but I’ve never had that issue. Also I hope you’re able to get treatment for that infection OP

  7. I dont (M) let it phase me. She’ll kiss me after my mouth has been all over her nethers.

  8. Anytime you want to give me a BJ I’m more then happy to kiss them after , big deal some guys are just weird .

  9. He needs to get over it . Normal part of sex .if my wife will kiss me after I eat pussy why would I complain over a BJ over kissing her.

  10. Wait he was grossed out by you kissing him with a mouthful of cum or he won’t kiss you at all afterward even if you washed it out? The former, sure whatever some guys only want their cum on other people and not on/in them (which is a bold stance to take with that dick shootin everywhere all the time) but if the latter then lol dude is a babyman. Wait til he finds out what happens in your vagina every month.

  11. Dude sounds kind of lame. Hopefully he’s a great person / father / role model etc. or whatever because that’s so unfair to you and honestly very disrespectful. Any man should be honored and grateful to have someone do that for them.

  12. That is an extremely immature reaction on his part. It is his own juices, there is no reason it should be an issue.

  13. >My husband said he is disgusted to kiss me becsuse yesterday I gave him a BJ with finale in my mouth for the 1st time.

    And I am disgusted by your husbands attitude

  14. Personally I love it. Guys many times expect a woman to like the taste of her juices but won’t taste their own

  15. That is a really shitty thing for him to say.

    The fact is, if you’ve had his cock in your mouth, you probably had a lot of precum in there over the years. For him to have a major fantasy fulfilled and then say that… he’s being an asshole, and it’s entirely on him not you.

  16. If you swallowed it, cool. I’ll kiss my girl after but I’m not going to be trying to suck my cum back out of her mouth

  17. Most guys feel weird cumming in a girls mouth if they haven’t done it before. Some women freak out if a guy does that, so maybe that is why is is apprehensive.

    I think frankly he is just freaked out that you want to do that now. If you haven’t been doing it before he may wonder why you are doing it now. I am guessing he enjoys it based on what you said but it will take time for him to accept it and relax. Just keep doing it and he will accept it more.

    By the way it is completely normal for a guy not to want to kiss after a blowjob. I think most men are like that.

  18. Some guys don’t like it. Personally, I don’t care. Hell, I’ll even kiss my wife right after I’ve given her a facial 🤷🏻‍♂️

  19. He has his boundaries and they are to be respected. If he is not ok with you finishing him in your mouth you should respect that just like if a woman did not want a guy to finish in her mouth.

    Given enough time he will come back around and start kissing you again. No sense trying to guilt him for his preferences.

    There is such a double standard in the comments of roles were reversed.

    Just talk with him and find out what he is ok with, and respect that.

    To me the kissing part is secondary. I think the real issue is that he is not ok with you finishing him in your mouth. If you respect that, the kissing isn’t even an issue.

    He should respect your boundaries and you should respect his.

    If he doesn’t like the idea, don’t do it.

    You are not going to convince someone that they are wrong about how they feel.

  20. My husband doesn’t want to taste his cum, so I respect that. A peck is fine but we wait for more until after I’ve eaten or drank something. But it’s not a big deal and certainly wouldn’t last more than an hour, usually less.

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