What is your “I lost her (or him/them) because I was young and foolish” story?

  1. Meh, all of my bad decision and bad breakups are the reason I was available for the relationship with my wife.

    No regrets. Not a single one.

  2. Model looking girl. Serious like… Taylor Hill with a big round ass.

    She liked me, but I didn’t move quick enough, due to my own insecurities.

    I have this thing where I logically thought (and still do) “She can do better than me, therefore it would be wrong of me to pursue this”

    What I have to work on is: I get actually angry, when I see a Woman date a man below her level.
    To add to this: I get genuinly furious and confused when a Woman says she has all these high standards, and then goes out with a man with no teeth who stinks of shit (Extreme example, but you know what I mean)

    … I’m angry at his selfishness, and her sort of… Stupidity. She’s putting at risk her good genes, that could be ruined.

  3. How about old and foolish I messed up a potential good thing by being old and foolish

  4. I learned too late in life what it meant when a mutual friend would say ‘she really likes you.’ I kept expecting that this would mean the she in question would approach me at some point. Missed out on multiple relationships because of this. One of whom I had stayed very close friends with for awhile and who had tried telling me several more times via similarly indirect ways before she gave up on my denseness. I very much regret missing that.

  5. End of 6th grade. Cute girl and good friend. Had a crush on her. 2nd last month of the session, I sent her letters anonymously in school usually complimenting her and stuff. After 4-5 letters, she recognised me and I was so embarrassed that I discontinued that shit. Moved away next year from her and my friends to another state. Later came to know that she also had a crush on me I just couldn’t understand her signs.

    I was young and foolish at that time. I should have continued since she knew my feeling. We could have been a couple but I fucked up big time.

    I still think about her.


  6. Had this LTR going on 4 years. Had some minor argument, I don’t even remember about what. She left me a note about something I did wrong. I never called her, she never called me. It was dumb that we were both so stubborn as to not make the first move to make up.

    It was for the best in the end. I probably would have married her and that would have been a mistake.

  7. I didn’t know how to talk with her so she broke it off and married someone else.

    And then someone else

    And then someone else

    And then someone else

    She’s been married four times. I’ve been with the woman I married 35 years.

    Things worked out

  8. I was a piece of 💩. A compulsive liar. Insensitive. She gave me love and I gave her heartache

  9. One of the hottest women I ever dated, like seriously amazingly pretty to the point it would rarely go uncommented on.

    When we hooked up I was gassed up on my own ego that I went around to all my friends bragging about the details of what we did, which got back to her of course.

  10. The one and only time I got dumped in my life was when I was 16. First girl that I’d really hit it off with. I liked her a lot and made that a little bit too clear. I emotionally invested too much, too fast and scared her off after about a month. My heart was broken, but I learned an important lesson.

    We crossed paths again a few years later and became friends, and are still friends now.

  11. At 21 I met this super pretty Chinese Canadian girl that I thought there was no way she’d ever be into me, was giving off signs left and right and even invited me to her place. But because I was so in shock like a deer in headlights that this pretty af girl was actually showing interest in me, I took forever to respond to her signs. By the time I gathered enough courage and balls to make my move, it was too late. She lost interest. Years later when we ran into each other she admitted to me that she had a massive crush on me. Fuck.

    Moral of the story? Getting shot down is a MILLION TIMES easier to get over than regret over inaction.

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