As a woman, when you meet a man, what does he do or say that makes you instantly realize that he is a spoiled brat?

*Idea taken from AskMen sub.

  1. When one thinks and implies we owe him attention just because he “complimented”/hit on us, and gets mad when we’re not interested and simply want to be alone.

    When he thinks he deserves sex/a romantic relationship/a woman’s time because he was “nice to her.” And thinking being a decent human being – which he fails at anyway, due to his sense of entitlement – means he should get anything he wants from women.

  2. Trying to control who your friends are and when you can see them

  3. Thinking they are entitled to the time and attention of random women they are attracted to at any time, under any circumstances.

    Hating women because they can’t get casual sex, or a date on demand.

  4. “If you really loved me…”

    By the time he finishes that sentence I am probably already starting my car.

  5. beware the sneaky ones. disproportionately altruistic in the begining only to demand something in return later.

  6. “I’m a nice guy so why can’t I get a girlfriend/someone to love me/etc.” Just screams that you are not a nice guy.

  7. Insinuating that there are certain tasks that must always be done by women, and therefore not putting any effort in “girl tasks” themselves. Or doing the bare minimum in “girl tasks” and expecting to be praised for it.

  8. Complaining about “friend zone”.

    Complaining about “modern women”.

    The ones that feel like they own you because they bought you a drink.

    Expecting to be praised for doing the bare minimum (very common).

    Complaining about womens standards/telling women to lower their standards.

    Trying to take credit for other mens accomplishments in a way to justify certain attitudes towards women e.g. “women should do xyz because us men go to war!” – a man that has never been to war.

  9. when they expect women to fix men’s problems in society – e.g. why don’t women build shelters for men; men don’t get enough compliments so women should compliment them more; women should be fixing men’s mental health issues; etc…..

  10. “I can’t cook”.

    “I’ve got a terrible memory for birthdays etc.”.

    “You are so much better at *insert undesirable task* than me”

    Leaves shoes, clothes, towels, empty packaging around in a house they share with others.

    Wants to be waited on, brought drinks/snacks etc., but never reciprocates.

    Screams they think they’re entitled to someone else’s labour and their deficiencies are someone else’s problem.

  11. If he treats other people badly. Especially people who someone would look down upon if they happened to be entitled such as waiters/waitresses, cashiers, taxi drivers etc

  12. When hes pushy and doesnt respect my boundaries or even cares if he makes me uncomfortable

  13. You know when you get to a stop sign or light and a man gets there *after you* and waves you on to go? So they don’t cut you off instead?

    I have so many questions

    1) why would I yield to you?

    2) why are you even attempting to tell me I can go before you?

    3) why would you even think I’d listen?

    4) do you wave people on because you typically cut them off?

  14. When a group of women are talking and the man takes centre stage immediately.

  15. Having a laundry list of requirements for a woman yet can barely meet the bare minimum himself.

  16. When there 70yo mother is still mothering them and they prefer it over anything else.

  17. When they shit talk women in general cause they had one bad experience with an ex.

    For example ‘you’re not like most women I’ve met. You’re actually nice’

    Yeah. K. Bye hun.

    I once had a guy get shitty with me on a dating site due to not answering his dm within a half hour and then when I told him we won’t work goodbye he started ringing me through POF 😳😳 I didn’t even know you could do that.

    It was awful. Started leaving audio clips. Had to block him in the end. You are not entitled to my time just because you decide you are

    There’s also financially speaking. I knew a guy that looked down on people who used charity shops


  18. Men who get married with hidden intention of making their wives do all the house chores. If you asked him to clean he will say stop nagging yet he’s not cleaning anything

  19. The belief that they’re too good for average women and all deserve to date hot women who look like super models; especially when they look like Shrek.

  20. The very casual way some men joke about not caring for their children. Example: “I’m not touching our kid till they’re out of diapers”. The fact that they can even joke about something like this.

  21. Blatantly checking out women.

    Not being able to engage in friendly conversation.

    Not having empathy/cheering for you when you succeed.

    Not keeping their domain in good condition.

    Not caring about the current human rights violations/supporting the human rights violations.

  22. The vast majority of men absolutely believe that having a vagina means you do most if not all of the housework and child rearing.

  23. The **expectation** that a woman will adopt their husband’s surname upon marriage.

  24. Men who think it’s perfectly fine to interrupt my day just because I dared to exist in public – my existence is not an invitation. Leave me the fuck alone to live my life in peace.

    Men who think I should be grateful for unsolicited “compliments” on my appearance or worse the preference. Newflash bud I don’t care what makes your dick tingle.

    Just sitting pretty and useless at friend/family/work gatherings. Taking no fucking initiative whatsoever to you actually do something without being asked first.

    Weponised incompetence – I just can’t cook/remember dates/pick gifts/fold a sheet/use the washing machine/see that anything needs doing without being told like I’m 4 years old.

    And this ties into needing lots and lots of praise for basic fucking adulting that most women seem to do without all the coddling, doggie treats and getting a Blue Peter Badge.

    Not participating in doing the actual leg work in organising events e.g. a leaving party at work – and certainly not getting their previous hands dirty when it comes to cleaning up.

    Most hilarious when they do something “nice for you” – oh look I baked you a cake but you’re left cleaning up the mess.

    The expectation that the women in their lives should play unpaid project manager/therapist/maid/mother/cheerleader
    /personal assistant. You should have reminded me…for the tenth time about his own mothers birthday apparently. Or to get eggs when we need eggs every freaking week!

    When they loudly declared what they find unattractive in women in general as if we’re supposed to give a fuck. As if women solely exist for men’s viewing pleasure. Sorry Bob it’s really not a loss to me that you just don’t understand why a woman would have a tongue piercing or be a feminist or wear brouges.

    Men who have the fucking audacity to try and order for you without asking.

    Also ties in with men who think they can just pay for me by default because they’re “a man” or worse because their mother raised them to be a “gentlemen”.

    Men who think “No.” = “convince me.” Or playing hard to get. Seriously grow the fuck up. No only ever means no.

    Not believing women’s own lived experience. Blaming anything that offers from their reality to questioning our perception/mental health. Needing a man to back us up or decades worth of scientific evidence before considering what we’re saying could even be true.

    When they claim their being cheeky/joking/bantering but they’re actual just testing how far they can push your boundaries and get away with it under the guise of playfulness.

    When they think being “nice” to a women aka benevolent sexism means that she owes them something.

    Casually putting your fucking hands on me – do not put your hands on the small of a womans back or physically move her out of the way. Use your words like you would with another man.

    Complaining about being involuntarily celebate/friend zone/forever alone etc. Believe it or not despite what society may have led you to believe you are not in fact entitled to love/a girlfriend/wife etc. I repeat you are not entitled by the virtue of existence to get a woman just because you’re a cis-het man. This isn’t an injustice. You aren’t being deprived of a basic human right. Women are simply no longer chattel to be bought and distributed amongst the men. Women no longer need men to survive let alone to thrive. Bare minimum isn’t worth shit. Women have literally leveled the fuck up when it comes to societal gender roles while a shit ton of men are stuck 1980’s at best. Sitting there crying about it on Reddit as if you’re the one who’s been wronged is extremely pathetic and hilarious.

  25. When they refuse to clean up after themselves even if in a small way like taking their used plates to the kitchen or putting daily objects back in place etc

  26. When they go to a family gatherings or to friends party, they show up empty-handed, then do nothing to help the host during the party. Well, it just screams entitlement. And they’re totally oblivious to it, which is the funny part, especially if they think they have a chance with me. I imagine he goes home thinking, “but I’m such a nice guy”

  27. Assuming a woman needs instruction or advice on how to do something she has successfully been doing her whole life.

  28. Using language that implies that women are shallow for choosing a Gym bro over him. Like if I’m going to choose between assholes might as well choose a straightforward good looking one right?

  29. When he interrupts you or talks over you. He thinks your opinions are inferior.

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