How old were you when you stopped going out / partying and do you miss it?

  1. In my 20s, STILL going out and partying, going out 95% Of the time every night and going out/partying 100% Of the time every weekend


  2. I’m in my 40s and I still go out and party, but in a different way. My friends and I go to bars often and get very drunk and it’s brilliant. My husband and I also go out for dinner a couple of times a week and usually go to a bar for a drink beforehand. We also go to friends’ houses for big parties, like when it’s someone’s birthday. So to me that’s still going out? And I don’t ever intend to stop doing any of those things.

    I guess the difference is when we were all in our 20s we went out to clubs to dance and usually pick up guys, but we don’t do that anymore.

  3. I never have, it’s too loud and overwhelming for me. I like quieter house parties where you can sit around, chat, play a board game or video game, and not be deaf afterwards

  4. We are in our mid 40s and we still haven’t stopped. Just…slowed down a bit. We don’t stay out as late and we tend to only go out once or twice a week at most. Since we started traveling full time on our camper we do a good chunk of our partying at campgrounds instead of bars or clubs but we actually party more than we did when we lived in a house. Some campgrounds we have stayed at have been like full time parties while others are quieter.

  5. I did a very little when I was 15/16 then stopped. I don’t like it, too loud and too many drunk people.

  6. Feb 23rd 2008 I made the decision to stop compleatly its been hard at times especially celebrating and sometimes I want to try new drinks but I quot 2x and I almost killed myself when I drank. I am an absolute alcoholic add alc.

  7. I stopped when I was around 36/37 and don’t miss it. I would have killer hangovers that would last all day the next day. I feel like I had my fair share of party days and am enjoying my more laidback life

  8. I’m 28 and haven’t stopped, but it has slowed down considerably and yes I do actually miss it a lot. Happiest time of my life was when I was going out 5 times a week. Just something about dancing all your nights away that really lifts your spirits and I also was never as physically fit as during that time.

  9. “Going out” and “partying” feel like 2 very different things to me. I stopped partying (drinking to get really drunk/drug ab!se) when I was about 28, but I still “go out” (having a few drinks with friends, grazing the line of getting drunk but no more) regularly and I’m 31.

  10. I went out once or twice in my early 20s. Didn’t enjoy it, haven’t been since, don’t miss it.

  11. 25 and still going out and partying. I don’t do it as often as I used to, but I still enjoy it when I do it!

  12. I got sober at 26 but my actual partying/going out days had already passed by me. I think i was 23 when 100% of my drinking/using was done alone and I stopped going out to party.

    31 now and still a shut in 🙂

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