I wish I would have been nicer to people back in middle and high school. I thought a certain way and my mindset was not very receptive to new people or making friends. I see that now and lesson was learned.

  1. Wish I would’ve realized my toxic patterns before I pushed away great romantic partners

  2. Biggest regret hard to narrow it down to just one, I would of made my mental health top priority I wouldn’t of wasted tall that time on places like 4Chan and the misc section of bodybuilding forums etc and I would of tried getting a girlfriend. I have way too many regrets I can’t just pick one.

  3. i wish i never found porn and masturbation at 14. its been a prison for me and denied me experiencing my natural sexuality. i wish i had more fun in my 20s. i was mostly a hermit playing video games (dont regret that lol) and jerking off to porn. never learned to get girls

  4. Had a dream job, a dream life, managing a beach resort in the tropics.

    Fell in love with a girl, who eventually wanted to leave. Trusted my heart and together we decided to pop back to the West where together we’d be able to save up a bit more money to pursue opening our own place.

    Of course, I left first as I had visa free entry to the country we wanted to go, she had to wait for stuff.

    I put in the leg work, got us a place, found myself a grueling job. I could barely afford to live as everything was so expensive. But together we would have thrived.

    Of course she never followed me over. Broke my heart via email and left me destitute in a country that was so damn expensive, in a house I could barely afford.

    It’s been five years and I’m still in poverty compared to the life I used to live.

    Never leave a job/lifestyle you love for a girl you love. Facts.

    Fuck you KZ.

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