So I have been in my healing single phase for 8 months or so, but decided to jump on hinge out of shear curiosity (I was always back and forth about it bc meh dating apps) and just started joking with someone on there that actually could carry a convo with me and have fun, we text for a few weeks because I was on vacation but when I came back we went on a date and it was amazing. Literally compatible that we are goof balls, sexual chemistry, and we know how to have mature conversations too. I know this because we have gone on about 7 dates now, slow burn dating which is all so new to me. He’s mature, treats me all the time, and is respectful that I don’t want to have sex right away. Everything I didn’t know I was looking for. It certainly felt too good to be true….. and then I find out he is moving in February to a different state. We have talked about this factor a lot and what to do about it… He tells me that he thinks I’m “the one” and wants to build a future with me, all things he says he has never taken seriously before, which is great and romantic but I told him I want to see actions and be logical about it at the same time and he respects that. I told him I don’t want to be love bombed and he agreed and wants to show me. Is this a joke???? It’s a crazy concept to me for a man to be so kind. I really do feel like I met my future husband but I have been extremely anxious and triggered having avoidant attachment issues and just really scared of the future because I’m not used to good things happening to me.. I try to just be in the moment with him, and when I am I am extremely happy, but I feel like I am constantly in my head and worried when I’m trying to just be okay to not know the future. Apart of me wants to cut it off because I am scared but also I would rather experience this and learn for what I can at the same time. I have been learning how to continue to heal, have my own time and space, and have a secure dynamic with someone else. So that has to be for something I guess.

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