Joey (34 M) and I (34 F) have considered each other best friends since we met. Everyone knows we’ve had feelings for each other since day 1, but we’ve never had an official relationship because either one of us were with someone else, not interested in a relationship at the moment, don’t want to do long distance (I moved to Florida for a couple years), etc. That being said, we’ve gone long periods of time multiple times without talking, given that either one of us was in a relationship, etc.

Now, it’s been 10 years of the same on/off cycle. Recently, I’ve been the one that’s in back to back relationships and that was the reason we stopped talking. I just recently broke up with my ex about 6 months ago and reached out to Joey about 2 months ago. We spoke for a bit catching up, and he mentioned he was seeing someone. I respected it, and then we didn’t speak for a couple weeks. One night about a month ago, I woke up around midnight to 10 missed calls from him. When I texted back to ask if he was okay, I noticed he blocked my number. A couple nights ago, I woke up again around midnight to see that he added me on Snapchat. I added him back, and he started asking questions, like if I still think of him more than a friend, and would we ideally end up together. He also said he couldn’t stop thinking about me, but he claimed that he didn’t want to be a rebound to me after my last relationship. I was shocked when he said this, because he has tried countless times after leaving some of his exes to get with me too. Then, I made a comment “I guess you lied about having a girlfriend”, to which he just replied “What”, and then blocked me again.

Am I crazy to think that we’re meant to be? Or is it a sign that we aren’t since it’s been so long and we haven’t been together?

Tl;dr: My best friend of 10 years and I have always had feelings for one another but have never been in a relationship because of bad timing.

1 comment
  1. You aren’t even in a relationship and already it’s off and on, poor communication and childish behaviour. I don’t think it’s meant to be at all.

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