With Universities starting up again I was wondering how people who live in Towns or Cities with universities feel about their respective student populations

  1. They’re a pain to live next to.

    But they do keep our numerous and considerable number of pubs open, so shan’t complain too much.

  2. In Liverpool, we have 3 universities.

    Regardless if they are good for the local economy, problems are :

    -1. supermarket shelves are practically emptied, robbing the local community of affordable own – label food. Most of the students live in a bit of a crap area, which is also home to alot of socioeconomically deprived families. I was in Asda few days ago, and couldn’t belive half of the empty shelves as I watched loads of students getting thr shopping in (good, Toiletries, homeware etc).

    -2. the housing stock here has been massively impacted in a bad way. We literally had hundreds, if not thousands of homes converted into HMOs. Homes which were good family homes previously. Now they just get gutted and painted externally grey, making the street look like a grim shit hole. It’s my biggest gripe with having students come here. Not only that, but they don’t pay council tax either – so council is losing fucking millions in revenue. So in fact, I blame the council for allowing HMO conversions.

    -3. most students are scruffy twats and also cause anti social behaviour. Not fair in those communities where there happens to be families living there. Another thing – when houses get turned from a 3 bed, to 5 bed house – it’s 5 times as much waste. So you’ll NEVER see enough wheelie bins per house. Litter strewn over the pavement.

    -4. everywhere is just chocca in general. Buses twice as crowded, restaurants more busier so harder to get a table, and streets have more litter on them. Also twice as much pressure in local hospitals when they get hammered and injure themselves.

    Honestly, it’s an endemic now. And then 90% of them leave the city every year, so do absolutely fuck all in terms of community /city development.

  3. Not many students live in the area now, since the halls were torn down about 10 years ago, and replaced by housing, no students

  4. My hometown is a uni town. The students themselves are fine, never had a problem with them and they keep a lot of local businesses/pubs alive. But the impact on the housing market here has been catastrophic, every property is quickly snapped up by slumlords to convert into HMOs so prices for normal housing are through the roof

  5. Personally I like them as they bring a lot of life to the area. In the UK people have a tendency to get home from work and stay in which can make areas feel a bit dead, however students are out and about at all hours.

    I live in a student area and haven’t seen much issues with anti social behaviour, that’s more the sixth formers and high school kids and without the students we wouldn’t have the public transport for it to get crowded. The effect on the housing market is a downside and with the silly way councils are funded they generate no local government funds (though this is more an issue with how council tax works).

  6. It depends where they live, the ones who live at the university are no trouble, but the ones who live in private rented accommodation tend to be a pain.

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