How is it like in the city/town you currently reside in? Do you look forward to the colder months?

  1. I live in Arizona so when September hits the temperature goes down like a rock and everyone looks forward to that! We are Halloween people. We celebrate Halloween vehemently! There are so many cool things to do in Arizona at Halloween time and we do them all!. We have no family here so Christmas can be lonely and we decided to do all of our family things and invite friends along for Halloween instead.

  2. It’s my favorite time of the year not only because of the holidays, but because I look sharp as fuck in sweaters and layers.

    Let me be vain.

  3. After weeks of triple digits, we’re certainly looking forward to cooler weather, and of course we look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas. But I like spring more.

    In the summer here, everything turns brown. It gets a bit green again for a while in the fall before … turning brown again. I like the spring when everything flowers, when the world is bursting with color.

  4. It doesn’t start really cooling down until Mid-November here. And the traffic gets progressively worse and worse, even outside of Los Angeles city proper.

    I actually prefer the summer months.

  5. I prefer summer to winter, and am a Scrooge. And Thanksgiving and Christmas are too close together. Thanksgiving should be in June.

  6. Yes. It’s the only time of year that isn’t trying to kill me with allergies, weather, and/or bugs.

  7. Nah. I like warm weather, and while I might prefer early June to peak August, I like them both more than November. Summer color and sunlight also energizes me. I feel less alive when the days are shorter and I can’t enjoy an evening on the porch. Halloween is fun and I enjoy Christmas (even though I don’t enjoy Christmas weather). But that doesn’t make up for the pleasures of warmer weather.

  8. I am pretty into the seasons.

    I love September, October, November for hiking, foliage, bonfires, festivals.

    December we are full Christmas mode. Then January and Feb is snowy and cold so short hikes, sledding, museums, video and board game days.

    Then- March and April suck a bit. Spring wont get here. It feels like it should be here by now.

    Then May! It’s glorious and the flowers and leaves are out and it’s awesome again. Then Summer beach, vacations, star gazing, hiking and biking.

    It’s ALL my favorite except March and April.

    It’s never too hot for too long here. The nights a nice and cool and so are the mornings so even if it’s 90 degrees during the day, we still don’t need AC. Night will probably be 70.

  9. No, I like the summer although I love the holidays. But I have a somewhat close family so like, we get together during the summer anyway.

  10. Thanksgiving/Christmas are my favorite holidays, as I love being able to see family with them.

    However, my favorite time of year would have to be December through March-ish. I love winter and snow.

  11. No. I don’t even live far north and the dark days are just hard. By mid-December last year I had a grand total of something like 20 minutes of sunlight where I wasn’t at work. It felt like a lot less. Having to choose between actually eating lunch at lunchtime and taking a walk so I can see the sun sucks.

  12. It’s one of them. Fall and Spring are the best because the weather is nice, things are changing (leaves bud, leaves fall, flowers bloom, rain starts, snow starts, etc.). The holidays are cool too.

  13. October through December is my favorite. Beautiful fall colors, going hiking and camping feels great (after it’s been like an oven since mid May), all the holidays, just a great time.

  14. This is my favorite time of year because I absolutely hate summer.

    I like Halloween and Christmas season but I’m not a fan of Christmas. As an adult I usually work Christmas, but as a kid I wasn’t much of a fan either. I loved the gifts but the buildup was always far better than the day.

  15. Absolutely. I love the holidays, the get togethers, the food, the cooler temperatures.

    Especially in Phoenix, it feels like everyone tries to hide away from the heat all summer long (May to August), and everyone comes out of hibernation ready to be social hahaha 😆

  16. Incredibly. I love cooler weather, college football, being in a part of the nation that has a seasonal change, holidays, and decorations.

  17. I like Halloween.

    On the other hand it’s when all the bugs and yardwork kick back up as the depths of summer finally breaks and as it fades into “winter” I hate the short days.

  18. As a fat man, cooler temps and big ass holiday meals are my favorite thing. And I look better layered up.

  19. My birthday plus the holidays and the fucking unbelievably awesomeness of New England apple pumpkin and leaf season… you best believe I love this time of year.

  20. Nope, I don’t like winter and for most of my adult life, I worked the holidays because other than the food it isn’t really my cup of tea.

  21. Yes. I prefer October (2nd favorite month) and November (favorite month). December is cool with the lights but I still get a little sad seeing all the fall stuff going away after Thanksgiving. Christmas lights are pretty but I hate all the shopping and spending money for Christmas.

    Some people love the spring (I don’t), others like my son love the summer (too oppressively hot), and others like Winter. I just feel happier during the fall especially in November.

    Thanksgiving dinner… there’s nothing like it and I look forward to feasting and football all year long. Trick or treating with my elementary school student is fun too.

  22. Nah. More August through October due to weather. November and December aren’t horrible, and I do like Thanksgiving and Christmas, but I wouldn’t call them pleasant weather.

  23. I live in New England and we go all out with seasonal festivals and decorating. Starting in September there’s so much to do and it’s really beautiful with the changing leaves and all the little towns decorated for fall with pumpkins and mums and corn stalks. We have pumpkin parades and a pumpkin regatta and apple picking and fairs. When we get closer to December things really ramp up and it’s a winter wonderland. Very adorable.

    I really love this time of year, but summertime in our neck of the woods is pretty spectacular as well-tough to choose a favorite.

  24. Oct-Dec is hands down my favorite time of the year. Cooler weather so I can wear flannels, jeans, sweatshirts, etc. October has scary moves on TV, Halloween, haunted houses, etc. Nov has Thanksgiving, which should NOT be looked over. That food is too good to look past. Dec is obviously great because of the Christmas season

    On the flip side, Jan-Mar is my *least* favorite time of year. The holidays have passed and it’s straight up cold and gross outside. When the roads ice over here in the South, it’s hard to get out and do anything

  25. Oct- December just goes by very fast, with my favourite holiday being Christmas. It lasts more than one day and isn’t just for kids or football. Jan and Feb kind of bleah. It’s dark and very cold. I think usually February is colder than Jan now. We don’t get as much snow as we used to, and there are no big holidays except New Year’s Day (ugh) and Valentine’s Day (also ugh, plus expensive)

  26. Yes, those three months with three of the major holidays, plus fall/winter weather conditions, make it one of my favorite seasons of the year.

    Cozy evenings by the fire, a pot of chili in the crock pot, maybe some rain or snow outside. Big holiday feasts. Family get-togethers.

    It’s my favorite time of year.

  27. It is for me but my seasonal depression is triggered by summer rather than winter (I think bc I live in AZ and we can’t go outside during the summer as much) so it’s mostly because I feel like myself again once it starts getting cooler out

  28. No, summer is my favorite time of year. I hate it when the days get colder and shorter. I really really don’t look forward to winter.

  29. Nah, way too many holidays, birthdays, party hosting. There’s almost no time to just chill. January-March is the best because there are no cultural obligatory holidays and you can just exist. Gift-giving and gatherings without social pressure to do so, it’s the best.

    December and November also have the fewest working days for a lot of people due to site closures so any PTO you have gets obliterated and you basically have to never use your PTO so you still get paychecks during that part of the year.

  30. Absolutely Sept. to December

    Nice chill in the air, falling leaves, apple cider and pumpkin season. Halloween. Cool clothes. Back to school, all the notebooks are new and the pencils are sharp.

    love love love fall through christmas

    Not much of a fan of January through august though

  31. Yes, but I don’t really care about the holidays. I just like it being cold and dark all the time…like my 🖤

  32. Honestly, hate it. I’m cool with the weather, I love seasons hot or cold, and it’s great hiking weather here.

    Christmas makes it my least favorite time of the year. It’s inescapable. If I could opt out, I would.

  33. I am a fall bitch and I don’t care who knows it. The summer heat is gone, outside is beautiful, I can wear sweaters and boots, and after Christmas/New Years my weekends will free up considerably.

    I’ve always loved this time of year, I hated the heat and enjoyed going back to school so it always gives me a positive vibe

  34. October and November are the 2 best months of the year. I love fall. I love Halloween. I love Thanksgiving. I’m less in love with Christmas cause it’s expensive and stressful.

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