Sometimes he doesn’t finish either. But it’s really been getting to me how he’ll just decide he’s done and go in the other room and play on his phone.

But this morning, after he’d already done did that he came back in the bedroom, where I was about to go back to sleep and initiated intimacy again. He got probably the best bj of his life and left me with my toy and said “I hope you cum”

Wtf is that? I mean, he said and it sounded quite sincere, in fact I’m sure he meant it in a good natured way, fwiw. So at this point i feel like getting angry isn’t the way, but a little life lesson in humility and self awareness is definitely in order.

Am I wrong? Did I go overboard?

  1. He knows what he’s doing. No man gets to that age and doesn’t hear the jokes in society about selfish men and not getting their women off. It’s a whole trope at this point. He knows and doesn’t care. He’s using you for sex. Leave his ass for good.

  2. Assuming you’ve had several conversations about your needs and he’s ignored them? No. You’re not sexually compatible and given his age, if he’s a crap lay now, he’s likely a lost cause.

    Usually if someone older is the type to explore and take your feedback you’ll know right away. I would guess he’s had a bunch of partners in the past that allowed those bad habits to fester.

  3. “I hope you cum” is on same level of “thoughts and prayers” lol. Try to communicate with him first and then see where that leads. If he was really sincere with saying that as you thought, then maybe he has some problems understanding the situation – lack of education, social skills, maybe even a mental disorder.

    Or he might just be another selfish AH, not uncommon among people unfortunately

  4. So he went to the other room in the middle of it to watch porn and then decided to come back to you afterwards? You were being used as a flesh light. You were right to leave. You are not compatible. Just block his number.

  5. Your bf is a self absorbed pos, sorry but run. He doesn’t give a fuck about you and is just using you for sex.

  6. Girl at 44 I wouldn’t waste another thought on a guy who didn’t care about his partner’s pleasure and satisfaction. He’s old enough to know more and not be so selfish. And you’re old enough to know you should expect and deserve better than that! Walk and 👋

  7. There’s a truly terrible word that comes to mind… cum dumpster. I’ve heard it before and it’s so insulting and I can’t help but think that is exactly how he’s treating you. It’s time to go because this guy doesn’t care about you at all.

  8. Giiirrrl. Come off it. He didn’t even stay to use the toy with you and make it a partnered activity. He just walked away when he was done. You are not a flesh light! Throw the whole man back.

  9. “Am I wrong? Did I go overboard?”

    You’re not wrong and you did not go overboard but he is going overboard with his selfishness and disrespect to you and the sex you’re willing to give him. How are you with this 42 year old that is treating your sexuality like sht? Are you sure you still want him to be your b/f? Leave him to his phone porn and go find someone that gives back what you put out, he’s not the one.

  10. If you feel like being used as a blow up doll, stay. If you have self respect and know your own worth, leave.

  11. Nah that’s fucked up. Getting a BJ and then saying “good luck with the vibrator, I’m out” is terrible. He could have done that *with* you.

    I suspect a pattern of selfishness like this shows up other places as well, and isn’t limited to physical intimacy.

  12. My ex used to leave me with my toy and he was one of the most selfish partners I ever had. I did not enjoy sex with him and it made me feel sad over time. It’s not an overboard reaction to leave if someone doesn’t care about your pleasure

  13. >He got probably the best bj of his life and left me with my toy and said “I hope you cum”

    I literally gasped, wtf???? Boy bye.

  14. I’m in no way condoning his actions but wtf🤣🤣🤣 dude got a BJ and was like whelp I got mine and tossed you dildo and was hope you get yours🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that was savage. He doesn’t give a fuck.

    Break up with this man, and find a more caring partner. If you ever decide to do stand-up you’ve got a killer story.

  15. I mean if you’re happy being his human Fleshlight, then by all means, continue the way you are.

    But if you have an OUNCE of self-respect, you’ll put this dude in the bin with the other trash.

  16. This is why I don’t give unreciprocated oral to completion. Most men don’t care about women’s orgasms. You stay and nothing will change, I promise you.

  17. >He got probably the best bj of his life and left me with my toy and said “I hope you cum”

    oh wow….

    i dont know who you are or what you do.

    in fact, all i know about you is that sentence.

    youre better than that, and deserve better than that. stop settling.

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