People who don’t do relationships anymore, why not?

  1. I don’t feel like one would add anything to my life, in fact I think it would probably take away from the happiness I have built for myself

  2. They do though. You gotta find the right one.

    But there are a lot of people with commitment issues nowadays.

    I always say, never have I seen so many people with such low self-esteem yet at the same time, absolutely delusional.
    They think they’re the worst, think they’re ugly, broke, mean,… but they also think noone is good enough for them and grass is always greener on the other side. They do not hesitate to move on and ditch their partner. The moment their needs (emotional, physical, financial,…) aren’t met, they say goodbye and open tinder.

    What kind of relationship can you have with someone who doesn’t put effort into getting to know you as a person?

  3. Never had one to begin with, but I stopped trying to get one because I realised I never wanted a relationship, just validation and to feel normal. But in reality, having another person in my life would completely take away all the preferences and wishes I have for it. I want to live alone, do most things alone, decide how to spend my time and energy for myself, and be able to put myself and my needs and wants first always.

  4. Many reasons:

    – met too many men heartbroken from their first love.No thank you,I don’t wish to be your rebound just so you can get back with her when she becomes single.

    – people just dating for the sake of upholding their status symbol and posting on social media.No thank you, I prefer keeping things private.

    – distracting.Dating can affect you emotionally and affect your mood for the rest of the day.

    – more freedom to meet new people

    – can focus more on career and friends

  5. Never had one, but before I tried to have one. I came to a point when I value my habits way too much. I don’t want to change my life to accomodate someone. I don’t like meeting new people, so I’m over putting myself out there. I don’t feel like I really need a romantic relationship. I just need some friends.

  6. I like my peace and quiet. I like my friends. I like my dog.

    All of that is too much competition for some tepid romance with a random who might not even act as if he likes me.

  7. I never really did relationships so the ‘anymore’ doesn’t apply but I could never be bothered. I found dating exhausting. I’m happy being by myself and the older I get the more set in my ways I am and the harder it would be to adapt my life to the needs and wants of someone else.

  8. Partially because I am working on my mental health and I am currently better off not getting that emotionally attached currently.

    Partially because I love not having to take anyone else into consideration.

    Partially because a partner would add nothing positive to my life right now.

    Partially because I am fucking terrified of meeting new men.

  9. Havent found any men.who are made of anything.

    I annoyingly have a high maintence life whether i like it or not and i am very active in everything i do and its hard finding someone who can handle it.

    Also Really arent all that and arent worth the drama.

  10. I live in a small town and it’s hard to find someone in the same stage of life as me. There aren’t many 33 year old semi professional people around.

    All of my relationships have been filled with a lot of drama and I don’t like that version of myself.

    I’d rather be alone than be with the wrong person.

    I’ve had enough casual encounters in my life, not interested in doing that anymore since I got sober.

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