My brother has been dating a pathological liar for the past 2 years. Our family is big and united, so we get together on a biweekly basis. She is always at our family functions and never at hers. I know who her family is bc of some intense social media stalking, but not bc she’s introduced them to us.

I have caught her lying about her family’s wealth, her education and her jobs. Ive brought this up to my family but they dismissed it by saying that she’s sweet and I’m just over analyzing. She recently said her dad has cancer. When I asked her what stage she said 8…..

I don’t know how to approach her. My brother wants me to have a relationship with her, but I just feel awkward listening to her lies. Do I just avoid her? Or do I insist my brother do some more research before things get more serious? I honestly feel uncomfortable around her.

Background: she claims to be enrolled in schools, but isn’t in the directory. Claims to work at jobs, but have met people that work at the places and they don’t know her.

  1. Honestly these tips are great. The cancer comment is complete nonsense and actually a fucked up lie cancer is no joke. If it were me, I wouldn’t try to convince others in the family of her lies by directly telling them. Just wait for the occasion that she makes an obviously false statement and gently call her out on it by asking her to explain the details of her statement. For instance when she said that about her dad I would say “ oh really that’s terrible, what exactly is the difference between stage 8 and say, stage 4” and she will dig her own hole deeper.

  2. I definitely would let her know about my social issues and it “only gets worse around her” and a few others and avoid her lol

  3. Well at least you know for sure that if you ever had sex with her the only way your brother would find out is if you had a big mouth 🤣

  4. tell her o NO he has double cancer!? it’s kind of disgusting that she’s making lies about cancer, but it’s not really your job to make big deal from this … your brother will eventually find these things out himself , now if he offers her a ring alright raise the alarms

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