What are some expectations that men have when living with your significant other?

  1. Basic levels of cleanliness.. excessive hair shedding should be dealt with before it becomes a plumbing issue. No messing with the man-cave.

  2. Moving together to me is something I do with the goal of life getting easier. She is better and maybe enjoys some things more than I do. If life gets more difficult after moving together, it was a mistake on my book.

  3. Pay half the bills, pick up after yourself, don’t move my shit around, don’t make plans for me and most importantly…. have sex! Or get the fuck out! 🤣

    People who don’t care about sex can’t live with me.

  4. We split the work of maintaining the place.

    We keep it reasonably clean and organized.

    I get a reasonable amount of closet space.

    I get a reasonable amount of space for my stuff in the bathroom.

    We agree on any redecorating or rearranging of cabinets.

  5. No hoarding please.

    I’m sure it’s a guy thing too but 3 of my exes, my mom, and my late sister all hoarded. I think it’s somehow just easier for women to get men to throw shit out than it is for men to get women to let stuff go.

  6. Split the bills and chores 50/50, and don’t micromanage or nitpick the way I clean or do chores.

    As long as it’s clean/done that’s all that counts. Do things your way and I’ll do things my way.

  7. I call it the “right of ready to use” which I’ll need to explain.

    Kitchen counters are meant for prep.work and gathering ingredients which will be used presently.

    Stairs are for going from floor to floor.

    The sink is a place to wash up dishes.

    Couches are for sitting.

    Walkways are for going from room to room.

    None of these are long term storage for junk and laundry.

    A space should be left ready for the next time someone wants to use the space for the intended purpose.

  8. That living together improves our sex life. If it doesn’t, we’ll have regrets, it will poison the relationship.

  9. not leaving the bathroom a disaster. i used to share a bathroom with my younger sister before moving out, FILTHIEST person on the planet. Don’t be like my sister pls

  10. Realise that work isn’t like a vocation where men just chill out for hours and if a man comes home from work and goes to relax on a couch. Just know when he says his tired because of work… it’s true. His not being lazy. He needs to just relax for a bit because working long hours is often tiresome.

    My mother and stepfather for example have been together for nearly 20 years and by what I’ve seen where my stepfather was the main breadwinner is when he comes home from work and goes to sit down or has a small nap. My mother understands his tired and let’s him have a break. But my stepfather also will help with chores because he also knows my mother gets tired. Because of this, there have never had arguments about chores around the house.

    Tired of this notion that men who go to work and come back are just having a big break. When really, they are tired because they are working hard for hours in a job that they most likely don’t even enjoy to support themselves and family. Men aren’t these machines that never get tired. So just let a man rest after work if his tired.

    Yes, I understand men should pull there weight around the house too. 100% agree. I’m just saying when a man needs to relax after work.. just let him relax for a bit.

    (If roles are reversed and a woman is the breadwinner who comes home and needs a rest after a hard day’s work. Same applies there).

  11. Man I dream of my future SO to decorate all the rooms as she wishes, to choose the furniture and style everything (interior and exterior). Maybe even choose a special architectural style. Like I want her to be an expert in those. I love women with great taste, and I never am sure which paintings or furniture to choose lol.

  12. Movies and popcorn, weird dinner recipe experiences, decor in my blank living room, mandatory showers before bed, inevitable moments of arguments or disagreement

  13. I love my wife but I have long since given up on expectations. She will never load the dishwasher properly. She will always leave makeup on the counter. Shoes come off wherever and stay there until I pick them up. Her car will always have a fast food bag on the floor. She will randomly decide that all the cupboards need to be rearranged. She will never like cooking. She will buy things at the grocery store because she thinks it is good for her and never eat them.

    She will not change so I just love her the way she is and have no expectations…it works better that way

  14. Please don’t give me the 5,000 questions about my day when I get home. It’s work, I want to leave it at work. If anything interesting happens I will let you know.

  15. I don’t like seeing stuff sitting all around the sink edge when I’m using it. It’s not fun having to t-rex your hands around makeup just to wash your hands. Other than that, pull our own weight. You can bet your ass if she’s working and I’m home, she’ll come home to a clean home and dinner. I don’t expect the exact same but I expect some form of support. We all love in our own way after all. In general I think for everything living together wise, it just comes down to communication and effort from both sides. What works one couple will lead to disasterous results for another. You have to talk it out.

    Also, periods of alone time.

  16. That it is fully understood a solid relationship requires requires both parties to be pulling on the same end of the rope in the tug-of-war we know as living.

    Once a partner takes hold of the opposite end, the battle will be quickly lost.

  17. it really depends how much she contributes. my wife doesn’t work but she does the laundry, dishes, cleaning and makes my lunch. i pay the bills and do the cooking on weekends. we have been together for 25+ years. 🙂

  18. A lot of it depends on if she moves into my place, if I move into her place, or if we move into a new place together.

    But no matter what, DO NOT clutter up the bathroom counter. I can’t remember ever dating a woman whose bathroom counter wasn’t a mess.

  19. So is this for me and my expectations of my S/O or if other men live with my S/O? Confusing how its written.

  20. I plan on doing 60ish percent of the housework, if not more. Just do what I hate or am physically unable to do.

  21. *”What are some expectations that men have when living with your significant other?”*

    Depends on the particular man OP.

  22. If she’s a feminist, she can never say ‘that’s a man’s job’. You want equality? Don’t marginalise men to certain tasks if you don’t want to be marginalised for certain tasks.

  23. Naked saturdays once a month. The entire day inside the house you’re walking around fully naked to embrace our primal nature.

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