Is it uncalled for that I snoozed my 330am alarm for work and my wife was upset at me that it woke her up? Like borderline argument kind of confrontation.

  1. Is it just one time? Or are you setting the alarm to snooze and snooze?

    How many different times does it go off? Because once is enough if your partner is sleeping.

    Multiple alarms are kinds rude at that time of day tbh.

  2. If you need multiple alarms, I’d suggest a wearable. Get a watch that will vibrate to wake you up, then one single real alarm as a backup. Best case scenario is that the alarm never has to sound because your vibrating watch has out you of bed already.

  3. Do *you* think it’s okay to hit the snooze and have the alarm ring again and wake up someone at 3:30 a.m.?

  4. Kind of an annoying time to snooze an alarm. But I’m not sure it’s worth a whole fight.

  5. If it’s that early, one snooze would’ve been enough. I’d give a free pass to a second one at a more acceptable, albeit early, time like 5-6am.

    Granted I’m the person that wakes up right before or right when the alarm goes off. If I was waking up that early, I’d probably use a wearable.

    Let this be a one time thing only OP. Your wife is in the right.

  6. Yeah, don’t snooze at that time. If you can get up 15 minutes later, set the alarm for 15 minutes later and get straight up.

  7. Do you have kids? I mean a 3:30am Alarm in the first place . If you have kids that she has to get ready or look after. Getting woken up at 3:30am and at 3:45am would be horrible.

    Can you not get out on your first alarm rather then snoozing it.

    Personally an alarm at that time of night would break the proper sleep cycle and be absolutely exhausted the next day.

  8. 3:30am is SO early, if my spouse had to wake up at that time, I’d just sleep somewhere else, or he would. That’s stupid early.

    If your spouse knew you were waking up that early, you now know that’s not a good thing for your relationship, and y’all can make some adjustments. If your spouse didn’t know, I can totally understand being upset.

  9. If you always hit the snooze and get out of bed after that, I’d just recommend setting your alarm for the time you actually get up. If you set it for 3:30 but don’t actually want to get up until 3:45, just set it for 3:45.

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