What are signs that you’re first date was successful?

  1. 1. She is still talking to you after.
    2. You don’t get a “not feeling it message”.
    3. She is open to a second date.

  2. When I asked her to marry me and she said yes, granted it was 15 months later but that’s when I knew

  3. Dropping her off, she said “that’s the most fun I’ve had on a date. Don’t think I’m not trying to get it, cause I’m trying to get it”

    We’re married now

  4. I figure at the minimum, we both enjoyed each other’s company enough to maybe want a second date.

    I would consider that a successful first date.

  5. One good indicator is if you get her ankles up by her ears later that night it probably means it went well

  6. You are in the middle of your second date. I’ve had tons of first dates that I thought went really well only to get ghosted after.

  7. * The cost of the date is low. I once spent almost a $100 on a date, because I was more interested in the beer list than her. A good date means, we’re focused on one another and not the menu, place, or what’s playing on the television.
    * You go to a second place. There’s a desire to keep the night going, and she pays at the second place
    * She asks questions about you.
    * Neither of you are looking at your phones

  8. When she asks for another date or wants to stay longer. It’s only happened to me twice but god is it an ego boost.

  9. – She takes genuine interest in your life

    – She reciprocates the conversational flow by asking follow-up questions about something you said

    – She doesn’t give one-word answers

    – She doesn’t shy away from physical contact

    – She asks about your plans for the next few days/weeks

    – She flat-out says “I enjoyed this. We should see each other again soon”

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