What are some things you do to feel better when you’re having a bad day? (besides opening up to someone as that doesn’t work for me)

  1. Smoke weed, watch old films, eat some junk food, have a long hot shower, go to bed early to hit gym the following morning to offset the lack of activity and bad eating.

  2. Yoga, take dog for a walk, clean and organize, meditate, go for a bike ride, play drums, go see mom and dad, watch stand up comedy, cook a meal.

    The one thing i won’t do is sit around dwelling on it, always makes it worse for me

  3. write it down in a diary and then try to put it out of my mind

    write a letter in my notes to whoevers pissed me off, but dont send it

  4. I’m a fan of treating myself to some shitty fast food. Grab the food, get in front of the TV and watch a movie

  5. Listen to music, see other ppl’s problems on Reddit, sleep, talk to my friends who will make me laugh, read a book.. even though you say opening up doesn’t help? I’d u want to talk git me up on chat, cause even if it doesn’t resolve the problem, it’s good vent).

  6. I just get out of my apartment and go for a walk. Changing your scenery is good and, while walking, I let my mind wander and I think about things. I usually feel less bad afterwards.

    Beyond that, sometimes I force myself to do my dishes and straighten up my apartment. It just keeps me busy and occupied while I’m at least doing something to improve my immediate surroundings.

  7. Video gaming. VR especially. Being able to just be out of the world for a bit, in my own bubble.

  8. Gym, ride/drive, games. I do my best thinking alone. I think about a lot of problems by myself. If I ask advice, it’s just to bounce the idea off someone. I alone make the decision.

  9. If I can force myself to get a sweat going, or to sit down and write. Those almost always make me feel better, though it can be difficult to get going when you’re already having a bad day. Sometimes I can think my way into feeling better, realising how minute the thing bothering me is in the grand scheme of things, and reminding myself how free I am to just pack up and move onto another situation if the current one becomes too intolerable. This is less reliable.

  10. Gaming. Nothing more therapeutic than CS:GO and dying for five rounds straight and swearing at the 12-year-old who killed you the hacking fuck.

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