What’s your biggest « ick » with men?

  1. When they touch me without permission. Had a dude come up and just wrap an arm around my waist to get my attention. We had never met. I was at my professional job. That is not ok dude. A simple shoulder tap would have sufficed.

  2. Rudeness and entitlement, toward me or anyone else (including, like, waitstaff at the bar where we’re on a date, or whatever).

  3. Following/liking thirst traps on social media. Showing off what and who you jack off to is fucking gross.

  4. I have a sticky’d post on my profile about all the men that have sent me unsolicited pictures of their genitals, i’m close to getting 100.

  5. Smoking in any form (cigarettes, weed, cigars, and especially vaping)

    Also bragging and referring to women as “females”.

  6. “I’m a nice guy and an alpha male. So you have to date me and have sex with me any time I demand it.”

    I wish I was kidding…

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