Hey everyone, I don’t really post on here often but I need some advice.

I (21F) haven’t been with my boyfriend (22M) for very long at all. But from the moment we started talking on the phone (a few days before we met in person) we clicked and there was definitely something there. We started dating about a month after talking and we’re both absolutely crazy about the other (in the best way possible). There was one time during sex he said that he wanted to finish in me, but funnily enough I was thinking the same thing. Later we joked about maybe one day we’ll make a trip to CVS for a plan B.

I guess I’m just asking to see if this is a normal feeling? I’ve been with multiple partners, and I’ve never even had the desire for a guy to finish in me. Even when guys joked my first response was always “absolutely not.”

Has anyone else ever experienced this with specifically just one partner?

Thank you guys.

  1. Both of y’all get tested. Get on BC and let him do it. It’s a perfectly normal feeling.

  2. Plan b isn’t birth control. Have you read up on how to use it and the side effects? Why don’t you use condoms or the pill? Yes cumming inside is a great feeling and an ego boost that a guy would want to, despite the risks. Passion can do that. But if you really don’t want babies, other methods should suffice until you’re ready.

  3. To be the most safe, I would track your period if you don’t already, and let him finish in you the day before your period starts. You’re the very least fertile right before your period, and you can pop a plan b too for extra caution! I promise it’s so rare to get pregnant right before your period. I let my husband finish in me right before my period (I’m not on any sort of BC) and we’ve never had a scare. Before and after having our baby, we use the “family planning” method and it’s worked amazing for us. And we’re both really fertile people.

  4. Completely normal, I ask my boyfriend to do it regularly. I would just recommend getting on birth control

  5. Get the drop SHOT stop playin esp if you’re in the us. Plan b has a lot of standards to be effective AND the side effects are painful. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

  6. Get some form of birth control such as the pill, IUD or the rod. Then you can go raw and get creampied as many times as you want. Just note these things at around 97% full proof. You can still get pregnant so be careful and track yourself.

    I have been on the pill for many years and have had multiple partners. I only do the casual things with guys. Not a relationship type at the moment so the pill works for me.

    Also keep in mind that the morning after pill is quite bad for you. U shouldnt take it often. Just in emergency cases. Seek birth control from your doctor

  7. I’d say it’s pretty normal. I remember long ago when my wife and I were first starting to have sex and she got on the pill. When she said “cum inside me” I blew instantly lol. It’s a pretty great feeling, but please be safe.

  8. My wife told me pretty early on that she’s always been kind of grossed out by cum but when we started having sex she REALLY wanted my cum in her. I am happy to oblige as often as she wants.

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