Today I got a coffee with my male friend that I’ve known for a bit over a year, we do martial arts together, and it was super awkward. We chat at training and mess around a lot and he’s even supported me when I’m not feeling great but it was so weird this time. My mind was blank and I couldn’t think of anything to ask him. He kept asking me questions and getting me talking about myself and now I feel bad that I didn’t really ask him anything. I have questions they just go away when I’m with him.
I don’t really see him outside of training and it’s usually a little awkward when we just talk. But I’d say we’re good friends I mean I care about him and he clearly cares about me.

I don’t know. Will practice fix this?

  1. Yes, practice will fix it. Talk with more people and you’ll slowly have more things to talk about. I’d also recommend you watching completely random youtube videos. Dm me if you wanna talk.

  2. You need to make a list of topics to keep in your phone.

    Also read some news in the mornings, so you can share.

    You can also share what you are watching or who you are following.

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