I used to be shy and awkward but I just started high school and wanted to try being social and getting out of comfort zone but I’m getting ignored.

I smile, walk and talk with confidence, and always greet them cheerfully and initiate conversation and ask about them before talking about myself, but they just don’t find me interesting or i don’t know.

My personality is uninteresting and dull and I don’t know how to create a personality and fit in. ☹️

  1. Real talk?

    Don’t try to be anything other than who you are. It’s not worth investing time and energy into people who will inevitably either manipulate you to do some stupid sh-t you knew was a bad idea to amuse themselves and embarrass you in the process.

    The most common alternative type to this type is backstabbers, ie. people who will only maintain your illusion of friendship as long as they have something to gain from it… but once you can’t provide whatever they’re looking for, they’re gone.

    This isn’t to say “all people in High School suck” but a lot do, and they are so obsessed with how people see them they’ll gladly put down others to inflate their own ego, so practice recognizing that behavior when it happens and cutting them out of your life.

    If you really want to avoid feeling lonely or crappy during high school, try to prioritize your focus on a few high quality / meaningful friendships and relationships over quantity. The best ones will stick around because they genuinely like who you are, the interests and conversations you share should make hours feel like minutes when you’re with them and it shouldn’t be something that requires a lot of effort.

    I technically had a lot of friends in high school because my lack of true self-confidence made me a people pleaser, but when my mask eventually shattered because it was too draining to maintain it… only 2 of those friends stuck around after.

    So in short, don’t take your high school experience too seriously and find the few people who genuinely like who you are. F-ck the rest and don’t invest your time or energy in them, otherwise you’ll end up being like me… looking back and wondering why you cared so much about the opinions of a bunch of people who you haven’t even seen since those days.

    I’m happier drinking the occasional beer with my 2 buddies than I could ever be trying to pander to the popular crowd and their opinions.

  2. It’s not about you creating a personality at that point, after you’ve shown you try ask them why they’re still ignoring you or just hang with them without saying anything, they’ll talk to you eventually, if you want to skip that you can also try another group

  3. I listened to NPR for a couple hours a day when I was younger. I used it for topics to discuss.

    I am well traveled and have lots of interests now. I can pull on this to talk. Your life can be interesting, do stuff, then talk about it. Learn things and talk about them.

    Pro move is to plan stuff with others, so you can chat about plans, do the thing, and chat about it later.

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