My girlfriend(20f) and I(20m) are living together while she’s going to uni and I’m taking a gap year and will attend the same school next year. She has a great financial aid package that covers everything (tuition, housing for the whole place we share, food, miscellaneous expenses) and leaves her with a couple thousand to spare. It’s gift aid too so she doesn’t have to pay it back. I’m wondering how to split the rent or if the fact that she’s not paying out of her savings changes anything at all. I’m paying my share on everything and I generally contribute more to the general everyday costs of the relationship. Everything I contribute comes out of my pocket whereas the school is basically paying for her whole life. I’m pretty clueless as to what’s appropriate so any insights are appreciated. I may just be a nitpicky grouch so no need to point that out in the comments if I am!

tl;dr My girlfriend has a great aid package that covers every expense with room to spare. I’m paying for everything out of pocket. Does this change how we distribute expenses or not at all?

  1. I would split expenses equally. But make sure that includes things like groceries, date nights, etc. Her financial aid package is irrelevant.

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