There’s a guy at work who I’ve seen around for quite some time now, and am just now realizing hes really attractive? (I guess my heads in the clouds) problem is he doesn’t actually work at the company, he’s just works for a supplier of a certain product. So he only comes in like once a week, only for about an hour. I literally know nothing about him, no name, age, nothing. He could very well have a girlfriend and this could be a dead end. Idk. For all I know he could speak a different language (I dont think so tho). How do I get his attention? Today I smiled when we passed eachother. I know, genius. Anyways, any advice? or is it kinda impossible to make happen?

  1. Just say hey or hi. Ask him about his job and where he goes to do his deliveries and stuff.

    Word of advice, if nothing organically happened by now, then it might mean nothing will happen.

  2. I used to work for an IT services company where I visited a lot of different offices. Here is how the women approached me. They usually waited near the end of the day when there weren’t any other people around. I think they waited for no one else to be around to avoid the possibility of being embarrassed in front of their co-workers. They would just start a conversation asking about my interests, age, where I was from, if I was seeing anyone, etc. One offered cookies she baked.

    If he has been approached this way before, he will know what’s up, and ask you out if he is interested. The first time this happened to me though, I was just confused as to why this attractive woman that I didn’t really know was asking me all these questions. I didn’t realize what had happened until I replayed it in my head days later. So if he is clueless like I was the first time, you will need to be more direct and come right out and ask him out. In your case he is back every week, so even if he is clueless he might figure it out a week later.

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