What are you doing to heal your inner child?

  1. I am learning how to forgive and accommodate myself for a lifetime of feeling like something was fundamentally wrong with me — I finally just got autism and ADHD diagnoses in my mid-30s. I’m also learning how to see and process the ways in which the environment I was raised in was incredibly aggressive and harmful, and I surround myself with friends who are there for me in a way that my family has never been.

    I also make games for a living, so I not only get to spend all day thinking about my lifelong special interest, but I get to encourage people to spend time together and build stronger connections with each other through the party games I design and develop.

  2. Therapy. Enjoying silly things like video games and coloring and stickers and if someone gives me a bad vibe I listen! I laugh freely now and I talk about my feelings and I validate myself.

    More importantly though, I raised my daughter to speak her mind and set her boundaries and to listen to her gut, if it feels weird then approach cautiously. She can tell me anything without judgement. Seeing my baby girl become a woman and an adult and just seeing the human I raised so differently than myself, it’s healing to all parts of me. I was 39 when I ended up in the er with an anxiety attack, and then I start therapy. Got my baby into therapy much earlier, not that she had a problem to address, but to have someone she can talk to about her feelings and sort things out.

    Sorry went on a long chat there lol! I’m super proud of my kid and that’s healing my inner child daily. This year was full of a lot of memories and graduation and moving out and man, we got her there. It’s beautiful.

    Ok I’m done haha! Goodnight!

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