I regrettably was on drugs the the majority of my sex life. My first bf who I lost my virginity to convinced me to try ecstacy and we would usually smoke some weed beforehand too. This repeated with my later partners, though the drug use was my choice. Fast forward 8 years to now, I have cleaned up my life and am drug free completely. But sober sex just pales in comparison to high sex. It feels like I spoiled myself and set the bar too high. In retrospect, the guys never did anything noteworthy, the ecstacy just made everything feel a million times better. My current partner is great in bed, but everything still feels dull in comparison. Did I rot my brain too much? Can this be fixed?

  1. Hey first off congrats for getting clean. I would suggest speaking to a therapist about this. They might have suggestions for good relaxation methods to help improve sexual feelings. I’ve found that meditation can work well for putting you in the right mindset to be engaged and relaxed enough to truly let go. Also, healing takes times, and with more practice and distance from the drug use the sensations will probably improve. Lastly you could try to work toys in to provide the extra sensation you need. Good luck!!

  2. Speaking from a perspective of
    Someone in recovery I used drugs for not only the sensation but the illusion I had control of sexual situations I felt powerful and nasty and exciting everything I felt I wasn’t when I got sober . You feel everything you’re too hyper aware you get insecure it feels awkward like ur trying to hard . It takes time , once you realize you were all those things before we just used the drugs as an excuse but find what excites you in sex like how to stimulate yourself sober I think that’s a good start

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