Based on a trend from TikTock, that little app no one’s heard of

  1. Pretty much never unless you bring them up. I am not even sure how many there are or what their names are.

    Otherwise, I can promise I’ve spent far more time thinking about Cardassians than Kardashians in my life.

  2. Hardly ever, maybe once in a while when the news of a Kardashian doing X, Y or Z makes its way over to my country.

  3. Only whenever I see a post about them, which is far too often for my liking. I’ve never given them a single thought unless someone else is reminding me they exist.

  4. never on my own, but occasionally, there will be a news article about them that somehow i didn’t avoid, or someone asks a questions like this.

  5. I think I might be able to name one Kardashian. I probably wouldn’t recognize any of them if I met one of them in an airport.

  6. I probably end up thinking about them four or five times a week because the morning radio show I listen to makes fun of them in their entertainment report

  7. It pains me greatly, but I do have to give them credit. They have successfully and massively profited by bamboozling the world while having no discernible talent.

  8. Well, just today i was looking at the skims website, and last week at the good American one, so, maybe a lot?

  9. I only know the name and that people are obsessed with them. I don’t even know why people are obsessed with them, or what they’re famous for. This is the first time I’ve thought about it since the last time someone brought them up.

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