I met up with a guy from Tinder last weekend and we had a good time. I ended up going home with him and we had sex. He told me wants to continue seeing me. Now all of a sudden his text messages are dry and he doesn’t respond as soon as before we met up. I don’t think he finds me unattractive because he told me i was hot. But I don’t know he is confusing with him not responding to me as quick anymore and telling me he wants to see me again. We were supposed to meet last night but he cancelled because he went to hang out with his friends and he did I saw his post. He said that we will hang out soon but is giving me mixed signals.

  1. The fact that he canceled the second date and didn’t bother to reschedule on top of having suddenly dry texts is a bad sign ngl. Usually, my approach is if they cancel a date and don’t offer to reschedule, I let them know to just hmu with a time they want to meet, leaving the ball in their court. If he wants to see you again, he will either schedule or is playing games and if he is playing games, you don’t wanna fuck around with someone like that.

  2. I would go with your gut on this one. If it seems like he’s being cold or sending mixed signals, you can ask politely what’s going on and if he still wants to hang out with you.

    You have to realize that upon asking this you may not get the answer that you desire. If you’re OK with that, then go ahead and ask away but if you think that might cause more harm than good, maybe just let it play out and stop texting him as much.


  3. He doesn’t like you. You gave it up too soon! According to the Relationahip Attachmemt Model (R.A.M.) by Dr. John Van Epp, you must first bond with someone and get to KNOW them. As you get to know someone, you put together your pieces of knowledge to make a dynamic picture of that person, and the more you know, the better you can begin to TRUST them. The “knowing” comes first, trust develops second. Once you begin to trust them, you discover if you can RELY on them. Reliance grows from the ways you meet another person’s needs as well as how they meet your needs. After you’ve gotten to know, trust & rely on each other. Are both of you willing to COMMIT? The extent to which you feel like you belong to someone, and that they belong to you, is a measure of the degree of commitment in your relationship. After you’ve grown in all those bodlnding dynamics should you then move on to Sexual TOUCH, which is the last strong contributor to the feelings of intimacy and closeness in any romantic relationship. You skipped the first 4 steps & went directly to the 5th step. Follow those 5 steps in the future to avoid jerks like him!

  4. He’s not that into you. Consider it a positive that you found out now, rather than months down the line. I’d cease communication and continue getting to know other people.

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