When is one time you changed your appearance on the request of another person(or to suit their standards) and regretted it?

  1. I dyed my hair blonde for a guy who kept pressuring me to go blonder and told me I would look just like “blonde SI model” if I did it. Completely fried my hair and costed a small fortune in upkeep. Dumped the guy and returned to my brunette roots, literally.

  2. My first boyfriend pressured me to lose weight and had a favorite tactic of comparing me to other women to highlight how fat and ugly I was. So I developed an eating disorder lol

    The relationship was pretty short, but the eating disorder took years to fix. Boy did I regret that whole relationship.

  3. i lost a lot of weight for a guy i was with in high school who kept telling me if i “lost 5 more pounds i would be perfect” to the point where i was very underweight and developed an eating disorder. my body has never felt as shitty as it did during that time and it took years for me to reverse the damage

  4. Not a permanent change, but I was a bridesmaid for my ex best friend, and she forced me to have the worst hairstyle I have ever seen. I also had to wear a hideous dress in a colour I hated, and have acrylic nails. My own nails are always natural and I take great pride in them.

    I had to look like a completely different person in front of all our families and friends, and have photos taken all day, and I felt so ugly that I cried in the toilets when she wasn’t looking. To this day I can’t stand to look at the photos.

  5. I’ve had a short pixie style hair cut for most of my life. My hair dresser convinced me that if I didn’t grow it out for my wedding I would regret it. So I took her advice and grew it out. Now I’ve been divorced from that man for 7 years and still wonder why I grew my hair out to get married. I should have just wanted to look like me, not like someone with long hair. So strange.

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