What is the sweetest thing a woman ever did for you, that wasn’t sexual.

  1. When I was younger, I fell off of a moving bus. It wasn’t speeding but I still tripped and fucked my shit up lol I was dazed and sl8ghtly bleeding in parts of my arm and legs. Anyways, long story.

    People didn’t really react much except this really wholesome woman who accompanied me to the nearest pharmacy. Bought my medicine, food, some juice and stayed until I felt okay to walk properly again. And all she got was a thank you. That is probably the sweetest thing I can think of.

  2. I was always of the mind to never show emotion in front of a woman, because in my experience it hadn’t gone well. I was seeing this girl a few months, and was going through some really rough stuff with my family that ended with everyone cutting contact with my mom until she got help. I saw her to take my mind off of it and just broke down in her car sobbing with no provocation or explanation. She just told me I was safe and that it was okay to be upset, and that I didn’t have to explain if I didn’t want to. More kindness in 5 seconds than I’d ever felt in my entire life up to that point.

  3. About a year ago, I mentioned to my neighbor to come rescue me if she ever saw a blue car parked in front of my apartment bc it meant my ex dropped by unexpectedly (it’s happened before)

    Fast forward to this year, there’s a blue car parked out front and my neighbor calls me frantically when she gets home: “DO YOU NEED ME TO COME RESCUE YOU??” As I hear her fumbling around upstairs haha. Being a man can be pretty lonely, especially living alone, so it’s awesome that she’s kept that in mind for me all this time.

  4. I went to pick up a girl after work to do something fun, and she made an omelet-tomato sandwich for me. She thought I might be hungry after work.

    We’re dating now.

  5. Last year I had a particularly awful day at school, and I generally always call my now fiancé (we weren’t yet engaged when this happened) during my lunch period to talk, but that day I texted her and said I just couldn’t call and was feeling really shitty for a lot of reasons. When I left school at the end of the day, she was just there at the bus stop that I take to get home, waiting for me in a cute dress and a smile on her face.

    Just seeing her there made me feel so much better, and she just hugged me and supported me while I felt sad, until I eventually felt like talking about how shitty my day had been. When we got home I saw she had laid out some of my favorite snacks, including cookies she’d baked, and we just snuggled up and talked, and I did cry a little bit. But it just felt so good to be so loved and supported like that, and I always feel safe expressing myself honestly with her, and it’s a memory I think back on a lot, even as shitty as that day was.

  6. I have several good women friends and I’d feel like I was discounting the absolutely amazing stuff some of them have done by picking this one instance but I can’t forget it.

    When I was like 21, I was with my first serious gf. We were living together and all. Found out she was cheating on me, other stuff happened but in the end we broke up. On the day she was moving out I went to hang out with my brother until she was gone. When I got back I found she had stolen my limited edition N64 and gold cart Zeldas (they were already worth a lot at this time). The cops wouldn’t do anything because they wanted a receipt/proof of purchase…for a console I had from childhood.

    I was telling one of my online friends about it that same day, who was also into older games. She actually mailed me one of her spare N64s. It’s been years and years and I’m still not over her doing that.

  7. I broke up with her, then a while later got deathly sick. She came and helped me out until I got better. All through that time I expected her to leverage that help to get back with me, but no, she was just a good person.

  8. Showed up at my college apartment several hours away with a heart-shaped pizza to surprise me on Valentine’s Day. All she told me was that she ordered me food and to go to the door to get it. I opened the door, and there she was!

  9. When we were still just dating, my wife stopped a bus for me.

    I was so zoned out from a bad day at work I didn’t hear her calling for me, from her car, at the bus stop. So I boarded and rode for three or so stops. Then I noticed the bus wasn’t moving and I heard someone shouting my name from the front. Took me way too long to understand what was happening.

    I got off the bus, and we walked over to her car that she had parked on a side road. She was like a parent picking their kid up from school after they just got suspended. She was *cute* mad.

    She told me she could tell I was having a bad day from my texts, so she came to surprise me with a ride home but I had totally missed it so instead she had to race ahead of the bus, park, rush to the bus stop, and startle my ass into understanding.

    Anyway, we got married and just celebrated 15 years a few months ago.

  10. This might be a bit sad/pathetic but for something that wasn’t immediate family, it was my highschool girlfriend. About a month before my birthday (this was like 15 years ago) she suddenly asked me about my five favorite albums at the time that I didn’t own (I bought a lot of records back then, both new and used). I didn’t put two and two together but she’d gone to the local “underground/metal” record store and got them to order the albums I’d listed and gave them to me as a birthday gift. Genuinely thoughtful and required a bit of effort.

  11. Was coming home late from work and got caught in the rain. My wife met me at the station with her umbrella.
    By far, this is one of the sweetest moments in my life.

  12. When I was 14:
    A girl made a short and cute love poem for me, and she was 2 years older than me lol.

    When I was 24:
    My ex-gf cooked a big plate with a lot of lobsters for me. Those were super fresh and caught by her dad. It was one of the best meals I have ever eaten, it would have costed me like 1,000 EUR if I ordered that at a restaurant.

  13. This happened last night. My daughter’s birthday is Monday and her party is Saturday. My girlfriend found a website that makes custom children’s books and ordered one. She uploaded pictures of her and typed in stories that I told her about my daughter and some from the things we’ve done together.

    The book is titled 20 reasons we love you and it’s one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me or my kids. I’m not ashamed to admit that I cried trying to find the words to thank her

  14. Not the sweetest, but one that touched me. I went on a date with a girl. Just a little walking date. Might’ve been a first date. When we sat down she opened her bag and turned out she brought a thermos with tea. For some reason it really struck me and I don’t even like tea. Didn’t turn out into a relationship btw.

  15. I have Spina bifida & use a wheelchair..my friends wife held an umbrella over me while I transferred into my truck during a driving rainstorm without me asking. Completely drenching herself in the process. CLASSY LADY.

  16. A couple of years ago, I was out for a walk and was hit by a car. I had a collapsed lung that needed draining. So, the doctors in the ICU were going to put a tube through my rib cage. They had me lay on my side and put a little local anesthetic on my skin and started to push the tube through my ribs (a couple of which were broken).

    It was excruciating. The nurse saw I was in pain and walked around to the other side of the bed and took my hands in hers and held them while they did it.

    She was the angel I needed right then.

  17. My parents cut all ties with me over the phone while I was at work. She found me in the meetingroom, and just held me… Just held me and talked to me in a soothing voice.

  18. I was really suicidal and depressed a few years ago and texted my girlfriend about it. She biked the kinda long distance between her house and mine under the rain to bring me the some homemade pizza her family had made for lunch, without warnings. She was also on her period which tends to be painful. The pizza was delicious. Best pizza I ever ate. Just confirmed my thought that if I’m not growing old with her then I’m growing old with no one else.

    She does very sweet thing on a regular basis but this one I remember the most 🙂

  19. My gf went all out on Valentine’s Day for me this year like no other girl has before. It was a nice jar filled with 3 different colors of notecards totaling to about 100 of them. It was the best gift I’ve ever gotten, she’s an extremely sentimental woman and I’m beyond thankful.
    Blue was “why I love you”
    Yellow was “poems that remind me of you”
    Pink was “my favorite memories”

  20. Every year for Valentine’s Day, my wife buys those little cards like you used to give out in school. She’ll write a unique message on every one. Then she’ll hide them. In the pockets of my jacket, my car, my work bag, in the medicine cabinet, etc. I’ll usually be finding them for a month. It’s so adorable!

    Then there was the time she woke up at 5am to make me homemade blueberry muffins for my birthday.

    She boiled water so I could have a hot bath after working almost 20 hours. Our apartment sucked at hot water capacity. You couldn’t even have a hot shower for 10 minutes.

    Basically, my wife is just amazing!

  21. Not sure if this counts as sweet?!

    Got beaten up badly outside of a club. Was dragged down an alleyway, had my wrists and ribs broken as well as face smashed in, blood everywhere. I managed to crawl out of the alleyway, trying to get away from my attackers (they were trying to drag me back in). Nobody came to help me except one young woman who pulled me into the view of a policeman.

    I was caked in my own blood but she calmed me down and helped clean my face.

    The weirdest thing, though, when the police officer asked who she was, she said she was my sister. I went into an ambulance and she left.

    I did have a sister but she died in a road accident many years prior.

    Whoever she was I’ll never forget her.

  22. I saw a pop up of her text…

    Her: What about your lunch?

    Me: I don’t want to eat. I am fine and you don’t need to worry (obviously in an angry tone).

    Her: Ok, fine.

    After 20 mins, I got a call from a delivery person. I went outside and collected a parcel with a sweet note,

    “Please, have this food It will give you more energy to fight with me.”

    It was awesome lunch and dessert.

    And this caring gesture was enough to melt me down.

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