o my gf (24) and I (24) have been together for almost 3 years. At first everything was great and perfect. But at the beginning of this year she said that she wanted to go out with me more and do more things. At this time I had a lot of work to do for university so options were limited. But that changed this summer. Although not immediately, from like June on we did something every week at least once we even had a nice vacation together. But she still had a lot of things to nag about.

At the beginning she said that she didn’t like getting flowers or being overly cheesy but starting from this year she constantly complained that she wanted all these things which I started doing (maybe just a couple of months late). Then she said I behaved like a child or like a pensioner and not like a normal person. I was quite special or maybe childish around her but I think it’s just because I could let my inner child out around her.

Sex wasn’t great either because I had problems getting hard (she was my first real girlfriend) and it stared getting better after 2.5 years which was a lot too late for her apparently.

This summer she said to me that she started losing feelings and she wanted to wait until the end of the year and see. So I started improving, I gave her flowers, we did a lot of things every week but I felt that something was off. She often reacted very aggressively on the little things and intemacy got less and less. At the beginning quite slowly but now in retrospect there were some obvious signs.

She said that we were always quite different. She wants to party, I like to have a houseparty with some friends. I like to save money and maybe let it work for me and she likes to spend it (but of course I want too to some amount, but I often said to her what other things could be done with it instead of going out).

She said that I deserved someone who shared my interests (Star Wars, airplanes, Lego among many others like PCs, technology in general, photography,..) but we also share some interests like gaming for example and we regularly played together even yesterday evening.

So yesterday evening when she said it to me I was completely devastated and paralyzed and couldn’t really say much. I kinda want to talk to her and talk about these points that I see my mistakes but I guess it would be kinda pointless if she lost feelings right?

I also had the idea to go to her house this afternoon with some flowers and either a letter where I write about these things and that I can change or just ring and say it directly but I guess it wouldn’t be a good idea right?

I honestly can’t comprehend my feelings right now.

1 comment
  1. Start no contact and DO NOT BREAK IT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. I read everything, it’s been a while since this happened to me but I’ve been in a very similar situation believe me… she broke up with me and a week after I went up to her house with a ton of flowers and a ring just like you are planning to do, maybe she was confused, maybe she was sad thats the only reasons why she broke up with me, right!! I knocked, no answer, I sneaked through her balcony like I’ve done many times before, and saw her through the window with another man…. I left, but i deeply resented her, so I got angry, and did a bunch of bad things to her and her friends which I will not get into detail and regret very much… my point is that after a while I wished that I would’ve just lived my life, meet new people, do things that i wanted to do instead of chasing her and seeing that – so that one day maybe I could see her again and she could be like “I regret leaving you; it was supposed to be you” but now I know that will never be posible because of my own choices.

    If you really like her, forget about her, because it’s literally the only way you can get her back. And enjoy the break up now, cry it out, walk alone in the beach. Look at the start at night letting the rain go through your beautiful sad love.

    You loved her and the only way for her to love you back is by loving yourself even more that you love her. Unfollow her on everything and block her if it helps. Good luck bro you will pull through 🙂 I’ll be hard but you’ll be stronger on the other side

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