Okay so my boyfriend has made it clear I’m not attractive on many occasions.. so has his friends. They always say there are prettier girls but I have a good personality. Like I understand this I’m not upset. There are definitely prettier girls but not once has he complimented my appearance. I kind of gave up looking decent at this point. Like him, he’s absolutely gorgeous, dirty blonde hair, big blue eyes, a nice jawline and his facial proportions fit him perfectly, he’s built. But on the other hand I’ve never been not complimented, I’m a fire fighter I’m obviously fit I have the stretch skin and stretch marks due to me having a kid and losing that weight. I have a bigger nose, nothing too bad. But just he’s always said that personality is better. Like he’s obviously out of my league but as I said I’ve always been called beautiful from even complete strangers so I just don’t understand it. Like I know he loves me but why doesn’t he say I’m pretty or anything?!?

  1. You sound…very young.

    Young boys/men can be cruel, you definitely don’t deserve to be told repeatedly that you’re unattractive or not good enough in some way. You would do well to find someone who respects and cares about you.

  2. I feel attracted mainly to personality. I don’t care about beauty at all. I’ve had crushes to girls that weren’t so ideally good looking but I found them really attractive. You have a big nose or whatever non ideal facial feature? I don’t care. I’ll see you beautiful and cute. I will never tell you that you are not attractive because you are to me if you have a personality that connects with mine.

    I think that your boyfriend is being mean and his friends too. What does he want with his comments? He wants you to become another woman? Welp, you can’t, you are yourself.

    His comments would be a big no no to me, so talk to him and let he know that it is hurting you

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