Quick question

Alright maybe its just me but anyways here it comes,

Me (20) and my gf (19) have been having sex for maybe like 7/8 months, and now she is going to take the pill for not getting pregnant (sorry english is not my native language)

It took her a long time to finally take the pill, because her parents are very very christian.
Doesnt really matter but just to paint the picture.

She’s always talking about wanting a creampie so bad, now ive never given a creampie or something like that.

So for anybody who has experience in creampies and such, what can i expect from it? How does it feel for me and even more important how does it feel for her?

Anyway, thanks for reading šŸ™‚

  1. So for you the person with the penis probably it won’t be that different, especially if you already have PIV sex with a condom and ejaculates into the condom. The only difference is that without a condom the sensibility might be greater, but I don’t know by how much if at all.

    Can’t speak for her since I don’t have a vagina, nor had I ever had anal sex where someone ejaculate inside me.

  2. Be sure to wait seven days after she starts taking the pill before you have unprotected sex. Depending on what point in her cycle she begins taking them, she might be protected right away, but itā€™s better to be safe.

  3. [31M] Here. Thereā€™s nothing else in the world like it imo.

    Itā€™s my favorite thing to do to my wife. The orgasm is the most powerful itā€™s ever been, and I can feel with each pump her filling up. It gets really slick from all the semen, making further thrusts easier and extending the orgasm. It turns her on more and makes her cum as soon as she feels the semen. She claims itā€™s a warm, full feeling that is extremely satisfying.

    Then whenever you pull out, you get a live art piece of a beautiful woman with a flooded vagina, just sitting there leaking you out trying to catch her breathā€¦ itā€™s the best.

    Thatā€™s my typical experience; yours may of course differ a bit.

  4. Both of you need to get tested and show each other results, even if both of you were virgins prior. Stranger things have happened. Stay safe friend.

  5. This isn’t what you asked, but before you do anything, make sure you have a conversation about what you both want if the birth control fails. The pill is not 100% effective. There is still a chance of pregnancy, especially without a second back up method. If it were to happen, would you both want to raise a child? Would only one of you? Do you have access to termination where you live if that’s what she/you both decide? Definitely have that conversation when it’s still a hypothetical.

  6. Iā€™ve always found it the most satisfying to thrust through my own orgasm during PIV, which feels very good for me and my partners, but doesnā€™t really leave a ā€œcream pieā€ the way porn does, so maybe experiment with what she wants out of it. Does she want a distinct load of cum to trickle out? Stop thrusting as you orgasm and hold the tip of your dick about 2ā€ into her. Does she wanna feel you pumping her full of cum? Thrust away.

  7. Thatā€™s so hot she is craving that you dump your load in her! Feeling wise, itā€™s the best thing youā€™ll ever experience! Youā€™ll notice the difference right off the bat between cumming in a condom and cumming inside your partner. Best sight is you pulling it out and watching your best work just start to ooze out of her. I get so hard when I hear my gf tell me Iā€™m still leaking out of her hours later. Now I wanna fuck lol.

  8. Actually every sex session I wish to Finish by creampie my gal in her pussy. Thatā€™s always my ultimate satisfaction. Just beware and take precautions and preventions that your gal donā€™t get pregnant unless itā€™s an intended one

  9. If she consents and is on the pill, go for it. My gf and I have been together for 5 years now and just started having creampies. Itā€™s the only way weā€™ll have sex now. We did condoms for a while, then the pull out method for a while. But creampies have been great.

    I was the one who was hesitant, I kept pulling out even when she told me I didnā€™t have to. It felt wrong to not pull out šŸ˜‚ so I told her, if you want this to happen I need you to be on top of me and when I say Iā€™m about to cum I need you to reassure me itā€™s going to be okay. And it was, it still is!

  10. What is your plan in the event of a pregnancy? How much do you trust her? You could be on the hook for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE if she keeps it. Are you OK with that?

  11. I wouldn’t trust it. Her parents being Christian shouldn’t have anything to do with taking the pill. She was already having sex. Imagine she has a crisis if faith and stops taking BC. Don’t stop using condoms unless you can live with the worse case scenario

  12. In general not having a condom on feels better. Women generally state skin on skin feels better than latex, as well. Messier, especially if you cum hard, as you don’t have a condom to throw away.

  13. Feels amazing. A lot cleaner from the guys perspective. Make sure she is on the pill for a bit before engaging. Basically, after going in her, it will feel much more wet/lubricated in her, and you can use that as lube for more sex. Of course, it’s kind of messy for her since it will seep out even up to a half week later. Enjoy.

  14. My actual girlfriend have an intrauterine device, and then we had unprotected sex for the first time. I can say, is the most amazing feeling i ever had. I still have the same feeling two year after that time . But creampie is the ultimate feeling for both of us. You gonna keep doing that every time posible šŸ¤£. But make sure that both of you are clear from diseases, and take care, pill inst 100% safe. You are both young for a child, play with caution.

  15. It doesnā€™t feel any different physically to me as a female but I know he likes it I like the feeling of giving him more pleasure

  16. My husband has been cumming in me for 7 years now, I love it, itā€™s one of the best things ever. It turns me on so much to reach down after he is done and feel it leaking out of me. And everytime he is done , he looks down at me spreads my lips apart a little bit and kind of bites his lip and then smiles at me and says I love you.

  17. Honestly the best feeling for guys my ex also had a creampie kink and she ended up having 3 kids with 3 different dads (luckily not me) so be careful the pill isnā€™t 100%. But if your just asking about how it feels it feels amazing and if you do it enough eventually youā€™ll both cum at the same time and itā€™s makes you feel very close to your partner

  18. 39M here. Cumming in a woman is amazing.

    Before doing it tho, I would suggest having the baby talk. Even if she’s on the pill, there is always a risk. So, it’s important to have the talk about what happens if she gets pregnant. I understand that it’s not a fun conversation, but it’s better than not the alternative, and it’s the adult thing to do.

  19. cum bubbles can form after a creampie if she queefs. it’s kinda funny but she may be embarrassed about it so don’t be a dick about it

  20. Donā€™t cream pie her until the 8th day of taking birth control pills if you donā€™t want a pregnancy at this time.

  21. Been with my girlfriend 7 years now, and we been in sex life for about 6 years, a crempie is want but I never done this to her, why? Because we dont have the economic power to raise a baby if things go wrong.

    I readed this same question before on this section, and everybody say the same… if you are bot ready to parenting, its better to wait.

  22. Give her annanal.creampie if you’re concerned about her pill use

    Yeah they feel good tbh very sexy feeling

  23. Itā€™s what we were built to do. It feels great especially when you donā€™t have to worry about a kid.

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