Hello just going to ask something that’s been bothering me for a long while

i don’t know if this is the right sub for it.

i have never cum in 7 years.

Because every women i met don’t last for more than an hour

the last time i released was with my ex which we had sex for 8-12 hours straight all the time.

after her the women i met just wont last longer sometimes it’s close but they say to stop and it hurts.

so i can’t finish no bj or even a handy. because they usually just past out. so i haven’t released in 7 years now.

if anyone asks why don’t i finish myself off. its because i just don’t. i don’t masturbate well ever since i was like 14-15 i think. i don’t know why i don’t i just don’t feel like it.

i was wondering if what’s wrong with me or anything i can do to be able to speed up myself?

like it feels good don’t get me wrong but its just my body preventing myself to finish within an hour mark.

no matter how hard i try to put in my mind to finish it won’t happen.

maybe because i got the mindset that i have to pleasure women to the max before i do?

i don’t know what to do. and it might cause a problem to my current gf because she is starting questions like if she’s not hot enough. i assured her that she is not the problem it’s me.

fyi we do foreplay but i don’t get aroused by it. it’s not because it doesn’t feel good. i dunno i just dont. they only time i get aroused is actual sex. or maybe if im close a handy would work. but she just passes out before that happens. and i just dont finish myself off.


i think my problem stems from my ex. from the time we were dating and when we have sex she always get mad whenever i cum to early. so i guess i just get used to it. she likes to challenge me like blowing me for an hour without cumming and so. and she tying up my dck with a rubber band so i can’t cum. it took a month and i got used to not cumming for over an hour ever since.


im ashamed actually. and i feel really bad because sometimes i just say i came inside her even tho i didn’t.

i don’t know what to do. i actually want to be with her like really be with her but i make her feel bad. and i feel like an asshole.



  1. You probably should see a doctor or urologist.

    If it doesn’t take you hours to cum when you masturbate you may have “Death Grip Syndrome” which means you are *masturbating too frequently* and *using too tight of a grip*.

    This may *desensitize* the penis. No woman’s mouth or vagina will match the tight grip of your hand. If this is the case its often-recommended guys cut back on masturbation, loosen up their grip and avoid doing it altogether on days they’re planning to have sex.

    Other possibilities are you’re taking a certain medication/drug or consuming too much alcohol. Overthinking or being easily distracted can also cause someone not to cum as well.

    Try doing it doggy style or in a spoon position laying on your side with you behind her. Close your eyes, relax, and *enjoy the feeling* of thrusting in and out of her. Sometimes fantasies help.

    Best wishes!

  2. Are you asking us to believe that one, you need 8 straight hours of penetration to cum, and two, you had a partner that would do that with you, on a regular basis?


  3. be it a man or a woman, it is usually better if the you can learn about your own body and responses without a partner to begin with, so that you can know what it is that gives you pleasure and ultimately brings you to orgasm.

    For many, this happens without even trying, as in adolescence they begin to experiment and find that a particular touch or movement will bring about very satisfying results. This is natural and good, and also takes away any element of having to get it right when they are with a partner – they already know what they like and are able to pass this on to their partner.

    Sounds like this has not happened with you. I would be encouraged to start on a programme of self-exploration (got some nice pinned stuff on my profile), gradually adding a sexual component through fantasy or the written word when doing this.

    The thinking is that when you have learned on your own what contributes to your orgasm it will be much easier for you to get there with a partner.

  4. I would see a sex therapist or a doctor, especially when it comes to masturbation. I feel like deep down there must be something (besides your ex) that stops you from cumming and the fact that you don’t masturbate. I feel like masturbating, exploring new techniques could work but I respect that you don’t. I would look within and reflect deeper on your past! For sure I would see a therapist and I would also talk to your gf about this. -Also for the mindset part, if you do happen to cum before your gf, that’s totally okay! As long as you finish her off and enjoys herself, that’s all that should matter imo! Wishing you success on this!

  5. He said in the post he doesn’t masterbate.
    How is your libido?
    Have you had blood work done to check your hormones?
    Are you waking up in the morning with an errection.
    Supplements – zinc, pygeum, lecithin
    These supplements taken over the course of a couple of weeks you will shoot bigger loads.
    You will also notice a lot of precum, sometimes from just walking you can notice ur boxers getting wet.
    This will defo help you release when having sex.
    Also- are you on any ssris? Or anti anxiety meds? This will delay ejactulation.

  6. I LMAO at guys that haven’t cum in 10yrs or less. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 When you all get to not cumming for…..60yrs then we’ll be on the same page. 😉😉😉😉

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