Please share examples when you feel supported by your SO. What did she do for you?

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  2. Sex.

    It sounds trite, but there’s nothing quite as nice as someone just catering to you in bed. No expectations of reciprocation or anything. Just someone giving you the gift of time and swapping some body fluids.

  3. Sexy time, of course. Gay here. I sniff his pits, he gets off, I get off. It’s a good time. Then we pick up snacks at Trader Joe’s, come home, eat, and love our kitties.

  4. simply being asked, “babe I know you aren’t feeling too well, can I make you anything to eat, give you a massage? just let me know if you need anything, i’m here for you”

    simply being asked something like that might’ve saved my failing marriage.

  5. A back rub or sex. Really just any physical contact not initiated by me. But that would mean a woman noticing that I’m not feeling well. Even the ones I had relationships with seemed incapable of that.

  6. I know what definitely doesn’t work, asking to talk about it… that usually leads to not taking no for an answer for some reason.

    Like others have said, sex is great because it will connect me to what’s important, her and us. I doubt I’d be the instigator, but she has ways to fire up that part of my brain. Physical intimacy is important to both of us.

    If I’m having real difficulties, I need time to process it in my own head. She processes by talking with others. I process it alone with my thoughts before I’m any good with verbalizing. Being intimate can help me from getting “too far into the weeds”.

  7. Talking through it and then sex. I imagine that a lot of people might roll their eyes reading this comment and the other ones men have posted, but it’s true. I’m happy to say what I feel, but then lets just move on. Being physical has always helped me to process, so when I am single that looks like going to the gym for some classes and really focusing on what I’m doing. Taking a longer run. When I’m partnered, I’d rather have sex, have that physical and chemical connection, and stop thinking for a bit. I come out the other side feeling better and able to think more clearly about things.

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