Snitching is a word that is used vastly different depending on the person using it. For a hardened criminal, any report to the the police for anything might be snitching.

What’s roughly the line an average citizen draws or should draw?

For me the line is: You do something that harms noone (or maybe even helps someone) and get reported to some authority, because it’s techincally illegal.

Is that right? Or is any kind of reporting snitching? Like if your neihbour is loud partying while you have an important meeting/university test tommorow and you call the police/whatever authorities to handle it. Or any similiar situation.

Or if you report someone in a work/university/school setting, because they have gone to far and any kind of boundary setting didn’t work.

  1. I mean, if you have a loud party next to you, and you cant go to sleep, and you have a test, what else can you do? You could ask them to turn it down. You could cut their power. who knows. Calling police seems like a valid option

  2. Snitching is seen as a bad thing by people who are doing bad things. Don’t think anything bf is wrong with it. Is it snitching to report a murder? Yes. Should you do it? Yes.

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