How would you react if your brother married your ex?

  1. I mean, I’d happily congratulate him on coming out as gay or bi.

    I’d try my best to be happy for them but it’d probably take a few years to be genuine.

  2. *laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh*

    “You dumb fuck.”

  3. Which ex?

    I’ll say the ex before I met my wife: I’d be worried. She’s a meth addict with four kids by four guys, and wants zero help getting her life together.

  4. Depends. If the love just sizzled out sure. If it was a nasty breakup like cheating or she was crazy then yeah idk. That’s on him now.

  5. He’s not that stupid. I mean, he’s a drunk, but he knows better.

    If it did happen, cool. I’d probably get to see my kids more.

  6. Id say:

    There’s 3.5 billion people out there like them and a good 70% in the dateable age range, dafuq ya doing picking my ex ya circus clown?

  7. Hmmmm. I would feel weird. But it’s hard to be mad at my brothers. I guess I’d have to get past it.

  8. Be happy for their unhappiness together, but they might be the right fit for eachother. One sure thing though, I’m keeping my distance.

  9. I’d find that extremely cringe but ultimately just accept it. Family gatherings would be very awkward though.

  10. Well I don’t speak to either of them now so I guess nothing would change except another reason not to speak to them.

  11. It would entirely depend on the circumstances why she became my ex.

    If we separated on amicable terms, then i’m happy for them both. Other than that … then i’d hope he signed a prenup.

  12. Confused, as he is already married, ten years her senior and in a different country.

    All that besides, she’s a sweet girl, I wish them all the happiness in the world. I don’t think they’ll have a lot to talk about though…

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