How important is it that you receive or give physical affection in any stages of dating or relationships?

  1. Very very important, from holding hands to sex.

    Each in its own appropriate situations and settings, of course.

  2. In a romantic relationship, very important. That’s what makes it special/different than any other relationships jn your life (I.e. friendship, family)

  3. More important that I realised. I like holding hands, forehead kisses, cuddles. I’ve only recently started dating and I didn’t realise I would like touch/being touched this much. Because that’s not me in platonic relationships

  4. I wasn’t always a touchy-feely person, but now I realize it’s a huge deal. I need it, I crave it. And it’s so much more than the sexual aspect; it’s the emotional connection behind it.

  5. Incredibly important. I’d say it’s my main love language. I’m pretty much touching my boyfriend 24/7 when we’re together. That doesn’t mean i’m constantly trying to hug him or have sex, though that’s all important too, but i mean that there is also a lot of casual absent minded touching. So if we’re walking somewhere i will hold his hand, if we are both on the couch doing our own thing i will put my legs over his, etc. Same with him, he will initiate the hand holding or put an arm around me, he will touch my butt when i walk past him, he will hug me from behind when im doing something in the kitchen,… It’s a way to show each other we are aware of each other and liking that thr other person is there, we are showing love and we are showing that we are attracted to each other.

  6. Physical touch is important, but sex is probably the least important form of physical affection to me.

  7. Extremely high importance. Holding hands while driving, arm around my shoulder while standing around in public. Gentle touch on the arm as you walk past me on the room. Smack my ass while we’re making breakfast on the weekend. Little kiss on the forehead when we’re laying in bed watching TV.

    Those little moments are where intimacy is created for me. Don’t have those, everything else is gonna break apart.

  8. Very important. I make a point to (at the very least) hug my husband everyday. Like a good, long lasting hug.

  9. Very. I don’t recall getting any obstacles attention from my mom growing up so I have this need for it. I always hug and kiss my partner and child. I just gotta show them that I love them before they feel like I did growing up.

  10. I’m not a touchy person so I don’t really care for it. Tbh I can live without being touched and prefer it that way.

    I only make physical affection a priority when it is my partner’s love language and it would make them feel more loved. Then I’ll hug them and kiss them and hold their hand and caress their back as much as possible😀

  11. VERY Important, if I’m dating someone who doesn’t show me physical affection I’m not going to be happy lol

  12. For me, it’s pretty low on the list. Usually I don’t want to be touched. Im exceptionally uncomfortable with PDA of any kind too.

  13. Of the utmost importance. no matter who you are. This is why I’m so awfully miserable. My wife lost who she was during cancer and I don’t think we’ll ever find our way back. I craved touch. Just a real hug. Wouldn’t think that be hard to get in a marriage. It is FK CANCER. It just don’t even come close to expressing my thoughts on it. It’s the worst thing in the whole world. Everyone involved becomes a shell of themselves. sorry for the frustration seeping out

  14. Cuddles and kisses are very important sex is like a zero lol my partner and I still have sex almost every day though because that’s his form of affection

  15. I hated physical affection. Then I met my now bf and I can’t get enough. To be honest I get so hurt when we argue and I don’t get physical affection. Like I crave feeling him. I love to cuddle with him and I never liked that before. But with him, it’s so different I feel so loved and safe with him he is really amaIng.. It’s insane what real love can do. It changed my perspective

  16. It is imp if I’m in love with someone. If I’m not in love with anyone then I don’t crave for it

  17. I really don’t like it in public, but in private it can be nice sometimes. It’s certainly not my love language so I don’t particularly crave it, but it can be nice when it doesn’t feel suffocating

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