Beyond platonic relationships. Specifically regarding romance/love/intimacy for those who have never or may never experience it

  1. I always knew, but I fully accepted it when I was in my late 20’s/early 30’s. Both love and intimacy actually stopped being something I wanted and longed for, much thanks to the realisations I had about myself and what the driving force behind my desires was. However, I felt and still feel sad that I never even got to experience love and intimacy I was young. It hurts, but I just accept that a lot of people out there miss out on or regret different things in life; For me it happened to be romance, and that’s just how it is. I can’t do anything about it, only do the best with the life I have now.

  2. I always knew. I held out hope that wouldn’t be alone in my teens, then embraced the single life in my 20s. In my 30s, I’m just tired and sad without having anyone to truly connect with. Not to say that being single is bad because it can be great sometimes, but being *alone* can be downright painful.

  3. The first time I tried to have a gf, I was 22 or 23 We were together for only a few months, but I got bored, ended up cheating on her

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